From my perspective, it would seem that Kicillof was all but forced to bow down to the Paris Club's demands. Remember, the entire region would be going through this if it weren't for credit. Argentina is the only country that really doesn't have access to the credit markets. The government knows that they are not going to be able to withstand the bigger problems happening globally (not to mention domestically) without access to credit, so coming to some sort of agreement with the PC is what the government needs.
I am totally speculating, but I just find it so strange that they'd be implementing these measures given that they so strongly oppose (especially Kicillof!) them, and just a day (or less?) after meeting with the PC. In my opinion, 1) the devaluation,2) ending the cepo and 3) now increased interest rates (to dry up peso liquidity) on short term BCRA bonds all came from Paris.