Well I am humbled and touched by all the kind words. The book club means a lot to me because it's one of the few ways that we expats can relatively easily connect and COMMUNITY BUILD, without hidden agendas, sales pushing,etc. I am so grateful to be able to learn (via the responses to the book discussion) about the amazing experiences other expats have gone through in their lives. And the wealth of I formation on a myriad of subjects that can be found right here amongst us is also incredible,.although we converse and read in English, we are a multi ethnic group and we therefore have the added benefit of being able to look at things cross culturally. Sometimes our once a month meeting has given me food for thought well into months beyond. Thank you all for being our teachers...
The next meeting will be Wednesday, the 26 of November. The book we will be reading is Anthony Doerr's "All the Light We Cannot See". It is a National Book Award Finalist, a New York Times Bestseller, and one of my personal favorites of all times. It is based on the true stories of two very unique teenagers growing up in France and Germany respectively, and how the onset of World War II (and its demise) affected their lives. I would consider the genre historical fiction but it reads like a suspense, or mystery book except the writing itself is an exquisite balance between keeping the reader in tight suspense and providing beautifully described detail that supports the plot.
I hope you all enjoy this story of survival and redemption and look forward to discussing it with you in November. There will probably NOT be a December meeting, but we will resume again in January.