BsAs Safety

YanquiGallego said:
You can never be ¨off¨ here and let your guard down.

I let my guard down every day. I am careful but not paralyzed with fear. If you can never be "off" you should move. How could you live like that?

I live here and have fun, enjoy life and live normally...with street smarts. I don't carry large sums of money, or have rolex watches or dress like a million bucks, but I didn't before I moved here. Never been robbed. But I do expect one day it will happen.

Enjoy life and worry less...
Always remember that most accidents happen in people's homes :D
All one can add to this are our own personal experiences, hearsay is worth less than an ice cream in a volcano.
I have been coming to BsAs since 2004, and have probably spent just over a year in total in the city. I have had my pockets felt, had the bird poo scam tried, even had taxis trying the dodgy meter and false note scams, but all I have ever lost was a dictionary I had in an open pocket in the subte.
I have never felt in any danger and never been threatenend. Maybe its because I come from one of the most dangerous places in the UK or maybe its my massive build (5'6" and 75 kilos). No that obviously that is not it. I guess its because I don't read newspapers or watch the TV and believe only what I see.
What I see is a city struggling to live with inflation, the very poorest trying to sell nick nacks on the trains, the usual amount of ladrones and a population who despite their crazy goverment just want to be happy and friendly to the world.
To the OP:

If you're only visiting for 3 days, you'll almost certainly be fine (barring some kind of extreme bad luck.) I think encountering theft or petty crime becomes much more likely as a long-term resident (since there's more and more opportunity to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.) Pretty much every local I know has been through at least one mugging, home invasion, purse-snatching... mostly non-violent, but I know one gentleman and one 80-year-old woman who were so viciously beaten that their stories left me shaken up for days.

Personally, I'm planning to leave BA at the end of July, and the insecurity is a big reason for that. I've never been a victim (knock on wood), but after 3 years, I'm tired of feeling anxious every time I carry cash home from an ATM, walk home alone from the supermarket at 10pm, see a sketchy figure loitering on the front stoop of my building, or go out of town for a holiday (since "those are the days thieves know everyone's apartment is empty.") I'm tired of the emotional energy that is expended by keeping a constant grip on my bag in public, triple-checking all 3 locks on my door before I leave, and crossing to the other side of the street anytime I see a group of possible hoodlums up ahead. A local friend actually told me to never go bike-riding alone, because 3 huge thugs bike-jacked her husband in broad daylight one Sunday afternoon. What the hell? It's a huge detractor from quality of life, and for me, it's just not worth it (especially with the inflation, lack of consumer products, and mediocre dining/customer service adding insult to injury.) Screw that - not when there are dozens of world-class cities where daily life can be enjoyed without needing to be paranoid and suspicious 24/7. BUT, that said, everyone's mileage varies -- while my patience has run out, some expats don't mind the insecurity, and the locals are pretty impervious (or just resigned.)
I can't imagine one person 'met' and 'knows' all these people that have been robbed. This article seems highly exaggerated. Ok, these things happen, but not to the scale this person says.

Personally, after almost 3 years living here and coming here since 2003, I only 'know' 2 people that got robbed, both times they were alone on the streets in the middle of the night.

As long as you blend in, don't have the 'I am a tourist, rob me' tag on your head you will be fine. Don't wave your camera or phone around, don't leave your laptop unattended...

I have always been careful, but not so that it makes life difficult or unbearable. I am not paranoid, and (touch wood) nothing has ever happened to me or my family.

BA is a great city, don't let stories like this scare you off.
I've been here 4 months and know people that have been robbed and then robbed again. They are Argentine, not foreigner or tourist. Most of what is described in the article, or rather nothing that is described in the article is an exaggeration. You get to talking to different groups of people and it sounds like this city should be called Robbery Central, not Buenos Aires.

However, everyone has a different experience here (or anywhere).

I don't know if it IS a great city anymore. There is still a lot to enjoy but are there things here that you can enjoy nowhere else in the world? I am not sure about that anymore. Just because something was great once doesn't mean it will always remain great.

With that being said, it is unlikely like starlucia said that someone who comes here for 3 days will get robbed. Is it impossible? No! Forget robberies in broad day light, we now have murders in freakin' plaza san martin (oh I am sorry, I forgot that we were blaming the victim for that one)!

So again, my advice is, don't get scared crapless and not do anything when you're here, but be careful. Just because someone says its the Paris of the south, doesn't mean you should assume its as safe as any part of heaven. By the way, Paris is freakin' dangerous too with crime levels continuously on the rise...but THAT is still a great city :p
I think depending on the amount of people you interact with, will depend on how much crime you hear about or witness.

When i first came here in 2007, i stayed at a hostel for a few weeks while looking for an apt, and just about everyday there was someone staying at the hostel who was robbed, or had been robbed somewhere else and had to come to BSAS to get new passports or bank cards or whatever. Even the hostel was robbed at knife and gun point.

I also walk alot, 100 plus km's a week, as i dont like to use the buses or trains/subte if i can help it, and some of the things i have seen i have never seen anywhere else.. From people being robbed by kids riding past on bikes and snatching handbags, to guys walking up behind a woman and ripping her bag off her and running off.

I have local friends who have had their apts/houses robbed (one where the maid was beaten up because she didnt know where the money was) , and one friend whos parents were car jacked.

I have also had people try to steal my bags when i was at the bus stations in retiro and salta. But i have been lucky and only had my passport pick pocketed, and been scammed by a taxi driver and handed the odd fake peso bill.

So if you live in a little bubble, and dont get out much, you dont see much. If you dont have much contact with others you dont hear much.
And even though i havent had much happen to me in the 5 1/2 years that i have been here, and know people who have had nothing happen to them in the weeks, months or years they have been here, i also know people who had been here for 1 day and robbed and couldnt wait to leave this place.

So i totally believe the OP's story. But from my own experience i cant say its a really unsafe place to be. However i have lived all over the world, and traveled through 70 or 80 countries, and i have to say that buenos aires stands out as one of the most crime ridden places i have been/lived.
davonz said:
However i have lived all over the world, and traveled through 70 or 80 countries, and i have to say that buenos aires stands out as one of the most crime ridden places i have been/lived.

Agree with every word in your post but especially the sentence above.
tangobob said:
...a population who despite their crazy goverment just want to be happy and friendly to the world.

:D Haha, good one.

Some of the rudest people that I have seen (after Saudi Arabia and the UAE) in the world are potenos. No that does not mean every porteno is like that. I have also met really nice people. I am just saying, never really felt the FRIENDLY TO THE WORLD vibe. But maybe I hang out with the wrong crowd? (Argentines themselves!)
Been here 7 years and had two incidents. One was an attempted mugging in early 2009 when a 12 year old boy tried to grab my bag. i pulled it out of his reach and ran into a store. The other was on a bus. I was talking to a friend from the US in English, we are both blonde and were obviously foreign, i was wearing a necklace with precious stones and a guy pulled it off my neck and jumped off the bus. i think my friend was more upset than i was! i stopped wearing jewelery after that. this was in late 2010.
my husband (who is argentine) has lived here for 30 years and has never had anything happen to him. (knock on wood!)
im sorry that the girl who wrote the article had such a negative experience but i do not think that its the norm.