Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

You are absolutely right my religion factors into this one. If I did not believe in God, then I would not believe that every human being has intrinsic value and would not care about this one. I suppose that there are some issues that hit closer to home for me than others, though.

WTF, So we agnostics and atheists do not believe every human being has intrinsic value?

Why don't you just kill us then after you put all the prostitutes in jail.
So we agnostics and atheists do not believe every human being has intrinsic value?

Why don't you just kill us then after you put all the prostitutes in jail.

No, that's not what I meant. I meant that if I was an atheist, I would not believe that human beings have any special intrinsic value. I am not saying you believe that. There are some atheists who think like this, by the way. Quite a few.
Okay, let's say you are a prostitute. Here is what your life will be like: you will get paid one dollar an hour. And you will have to have sex when your boss tells you to. Some fat guy with warts will throw himself on top of you, probably more than once per day. Oh, and you can't quit if you'd like, or you'll be killed. Welcome to prostitution in Argentina. Sound like a good line of work for you?

What's your source for this information? How many prostitutes were interviewed? Where? By whom? Was the study published in a peer reviewed academic journal? Have other studies verified the results?

I don't doubt that there are prostitutes who lead the life you describe. But how many and is banning all prostitution the best way to save them?

And I have seen media reports of the situation you describe. But I am sure prostitutes exist who work voluntarily and support a few kids and maybe a few other family members. But the media is not interested in their stories.

You got the passion. You need the data.

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Your views parallel those of the christian right on this issue. If I recall you also support creationism being taught in schools, am I wrong?

I don't agree with you, lets clear that up right now.

No, I think the Christian right would say the prostitutes should be put in jail. I do in fact think that creationism should be allowed to be taught in schools, yes. I also do not support the Christian right in the area of violence. I am a pacifist and do not believe anyone should ever have a weapon to kill, either in the military, or personally.
No, that's not what I meant. I meant that if I was an atheist, I would not believe that human beings have any special intrinsic value. I am not saying you believe that. There are some atheists who think like this, by the way. Quite a few.

There are plenty of so-called Christians who also think like this, by the way. More than quite a few.

And in fact Christianity has been used as justification for slavery, genocide of indigenous peoples, and whole list of other atrocities.
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What's your source for this information? How many prostitutes were interviewed? Where? By whom? Was the study published in a peer reviewed academic journal? Have other studies verified the results?

I don't doubt that there are prostitutes who lead the life you describe. But how many and is banning all prostitution the best way to save them?

And I have seen media reports of the situation you describe. But I am sure prostitutes exist who work voluntarily and support a few kids and maybe a few other family members. But the media is not interested in their stories.

You got the passion. You need the data.


Absolutely agree.

If she dosen't like his face, she'll kick his ass out the door ... no questions asked.

Let alone allowing him to her body.

And police on her side, if she needs to.

That picture that was painted has no existence in reality.

Actually, painting this picture is demeaning and cruel to think of.