Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

What else is on your agenda? Make abortion illegal? Make gay marriage illegal? Make premarital sex illegal? Throw all the drug addicts in jail? Make homosexual acts illegal? Make sodomy illegal? Make oral sex illegal?

Where does it stop?

Make Argentina in the image of Texas? A gun in every house and the government in every bedroom.

!!! George Bush for President de la Republica !!!

!!! Osama bin Laden for Vice President !!!

!!! Support the Texas Taliban Social Agenda !!!

Joe, I don't support the Republican party and do not like George Bush. I think you are making some weird assumptions about me.
I repeat myself.

In 9 years I haven't seen ONE in MicroCentro. NOT O N E. That is what I've seen.

Compare that to downTown TO.

Is it really reasonable to say that if there is a chance for abuse, let's just shut the whole system down?
Of coarse someone will misuse and abuse the system, so we take measures against that. But we don't shut down all air traffic cause there is a chance of planes falling off the skies.
Khairy, is it true you go to bed at 9pm sharp every night? ;)
Statements like there are lots of African's in Austria aren't really within my definition of facts and evidence.

Would there be more or less pre/post prohibition?

You believe this problem can be stamped out with agressive policing, that has never worked. Your answer is that maybe we should legalise murder and slavery which is clumsy and inappropriate. If we legalised slavery and murder we'd be legalising the involuntary participation of the victims of those crimes. Right now, with your moral crusade, we have a situation were the you have criminalised the victims of illegal and dangerous prostitution. I suggest that rather than criminalising them or clinging to the idea that agressive policing has ever solved this problem we remove the involuntary aspect and make it safe, controlled and only for voluntary participants.

I suspect for your reasoning is tied up with religion. We won't agree, so I don't think it's worth discussing further.
I disagree with many of your statements. I'm shocked that you would think that two people who swore to be faithful to each other, and then one cheats on their spouse, even thought that cheating is consensual, is not morally an issue. The other spouse is usually decimated by such an act. I'm unsure how someone could view this as NOT immoral.

It is clearly primarily a moral issue for you.

You show no interest in enforcing the laws on kidnapping or human trafficking, just creating a new law for prostitution. If the human trafficking laws are not enforced, why would the prostitution laws be enforced?

I'm just curious what else is on your moral agenda that you want to bless us with.

Should we criminalize Adultery? Abortion? Homosexuality? Let's have the list
I disagree with many of your statements. I'm shocked that you would think that two people who swore to be faithful to each other, and then one cheats on their spouse, even thought that cheating is consensual, is not morally an issue. The other spouse is usually decimated by such an act. I'm unsure how someone could view this as NOT immoral.

The problem is that most sex workers, the grand majority, are either tricked into becoming sex workers, or they are forced into it. Most people in this country have been forced into it (note: this is a statistical fact). I do not buy your argument that the stigmatization is what harms the sex workers. People are the ones who harm sex workers. In certain European countries like Austria, prostitution is legal and "regulated" (as if that were possible), but there is a massive amount of sex trafficking going on, mostly Africans. The problem is that when men begin to view women as sexual objects, abuse almost always occurs. Sex is more than just a physical act, but an emotional act as well. If there is no emotional element, sex can be boring and un-stimulating. This is why porn producers have to add either a plot to their story, or they have to add some sort of humiliation to the woman. When men begin down this path of viewing women as sex objects, in order to continue to receive stimulation, they need to have emotional stimulation. The result is usually the humiliation part. So in prostitution, the end result is that women are almost always abused or humiliated. This is the way it is in most parts of the world. Human beings are not objects, but they have intrinsic value.

You state, "Maybe you should check your judgement". I would like to note that you are making judgments as well. I respect that that is your opinion, and you believe it, I hope that you would respect that other people have an opinion as well. My opinion is also based on facts, logic, and evidence, just as you claim yours is.

I have shown you evidence to the contrary, that the deliberations of Canada's supreme court led to the informed conclusion that the systematic criminalisation of prostitution was more harmful to sex workers than the contrary. This is a respected, informed and secular institution, not some back alley liberal "think tank". If you can show me your sources for the "statistical fact" that sex workers are mostly forced into it, and the source is credible, IE not some thinly veiled religious group pushing their religious agenda, then I would consider your opinion.

However, I still won't be convinced that criminalising the industry is a solution. There needs to be a specialist arm of law enforcement designed to address the issue of human trafficking, track down and convict the traffickers. They are the criminals, not the exploited sex workers. Their should be social workers who specially address the victims of human trafficking and give them the support they need to get out of the situation, and ensure them that they are the VICTIMS of a crime, NOT the perpetrators of a crime.

What you are proposing is criminalising the victims. FAIL! The criminals are the human traffickers. You should clearly make the distinction.

It's an extension of this ever-prevalent and saddening culture of blaming victims of a crime. "Oh, well she shouldn't have dressed so provocatively when she got raped". FAIL! People can dress however they like, that is their human right. The criminal is the rapist.
Okay, let's say you are a prostitute. Here is what your life will be like: you will get paid one dollar an hour. And you will have to have sex when your boss tells you to. Some fat guy with warts will throw himself on top of you, probably more than once per day. Oh, and you can't quit if you'd like, or you'll be killed. Welcome to prostitution in Argentina. Sound like a good line of work for you?

This picture you painted has no reality what so ever.

If she doesn't get respect, she will kick his ass no matter who it is. She will call the police, and they will come to handcuff him on the spot.
Respect, let alone allowing her body.
This picture you painted has no reality what so ever.

If she doesn't get respect, she will kick his ass

I disagree, quite likely this situation occurs today, which is why I would say that no one should involve themselves in this business while it remains dangerous and illegal. Legalise and make it safe for the operators, remove the exploitative element.
Statements like there are lots of African's in Austria aren't really within my definition of facts and evidence.

Would there be more or less pre/post prohibition?

You believe this problem can be stamped out with agressive policing, that has never worked. Your answer is that maybe we should legalise murder and slavery which is clumsy and inappropriate. If we legalised slavery and murder we'd be legalising the involuntary participation of the victims of those crimes. Right now, with your moral crusade, we have a situation were the you have criminalised the victims of illegal and dangerous prostitution. I suggest that rather than criminalising them or clinging to the idea that agressive policing has ever solved this problem we remove the involuntary aspect and make it safe, controlled and only for voluntary participants.

I suspect for your reasoning is tied up with religion. We won't agree, so I don't think it's worth discussing further.

Actually, I don't believe in criminalizing the women, because there is no way to prove that they were not forced into prostitution or tricked into it. I believe we should criminalize the users, pimps, and traffickers. But, I still disagree that this is something that can be controlled.

You are absolutely right my religion factors into this one. If I did not believe in God, then I would not believe that every human being has intrinsic value and would not care about this one. I suppose that there are some issues that hit closer to home for me than others, though.

My argument was not that we should legalize slavery. I was making the point that we do, in fact, make laws because things are immoral. We make laws against immoral things because they are wrong, precisely because they are immoral. We make laws against murder, slavery, etc., because they are horrifyingly wrong. I think if you think about it, you'll come to agree.
Actually, I don't believe in criminalizing the women, because there is no way to prove that they were not forced into prostitution or tricked into it. I believe we should criminalize the users, pimps, and traffickers. But, I still disagree that this is something that can be controlled.

You are absolutely right my religion factors into this one. If I did not believe in God, then I would not believe that every human being has intrinsic value and would not care about this one. I suppose that there are some issues that hit closer to home for me than others, though.

My argument was not that we should legalize slavery. I was making the point that we do, in fact, make laws because things are immoral. We make laws against immoral things because they are wrong, precisely because they are immoral. We make laws against murder, slavery, etc., because they are horrifyingly wrong. I think if you think about it, you'll come to agree.

If somebody chooses to work in the sex industry, you may find it immoral. I find it immoral to tell them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.