Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

Games are about to begin!

Exchange of money is a strong possibility as well, in exchange for ""certain"" favours! ahem ahem!
Games are about to begin!

Exchange of money is a strong possibility as well, in exchange for ""certain"" favours! ahem ahem!
Please give us a blow by blow account of the games.
I have to admit that for me personally most of the last 16 pages has been caught up in judeo-xtian ideology and morality more than anything else :) What can I say? Thank the Gods I am a pagan - I don't have these issues...:) (I follow the religion my ancestors were following long before that tosser called Patrick got to Ireland, that other tosser got to Scotland or all of Bede's predecessors got to England - and at the point of a sword and through torture, murder and mayhem introduced the people to their new middle eastern ''god of love'' and his imported religion lol). I am sure there are women out there who sell their bodies (or perhaps I should say ''rent them'') unwillingly - but lets be honest here, there *are* plenty of college girls out there too who want the latest clothes, the latest iphone or whatever and are happy to provide sexual services for some money... What right do *I* have to judge that? As far as I am concerned prostitution is still the world's oldest profession and it serves a useful purpose in society... Lets be honest guys, at the end of the day its our most basic need - we all need sex - and whilst we may not always be in a relationship at the time the need for sex is still 24/7... At least it is with a normal guy anyway :) lol
I'm coming on the asse end of this blag,pardon the pun,so where does one get a girlie to visit ones gaff for a bit of a romp about?my friend is interested,prices anyone?hehe
PS Ceviche - if you're planning a traditional pagan Roman style orgy or something the *least* you could do is to INVITE us all ? :) (Never been to one myself :)
PS Ceviche - if you're planning a traditional pagan Roman style orgy or something the *least* you could do is to INVITE us all ? :) (Never been to one myself :)

Don't make me blush!

Ladies are reading this foro too!
PS Ceviche - if you're planning a traditional pagan Roman style orgy or something the *least* you could do is to INVITE us all ? :) (Never been to one myself :)
This is a photo of the last BAexpat orgy - not many ladies showed up :( - in fact just one Tranny carrying Ceviche's visiting card...

Ha ha Joe,

enjoyed that!!

Had a splendid night.. In a jolly good mood today! Ok..so all of you can say something funny about me today as I am very happy. Their will no sarcastic retorts from me today!