Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

This whole system is a flawed mess.

God's biggest blunder.

Why couldn't he think of a better way?
What about these guys coming out of the closet and getting a divorce? Or maybe their wives should learn how to use a strap-on? Or under Sharia Law these guys would get their pee-wee chopped off. What is the proper solution?

As Pope Francis said who is One to judge.! your proposals would create serious market distortions if they divorce they would go every night to Palermo, creating havoc on traffic and demand. The other alternative would create an unduly peak surge for sex shops.
Solution ? The Salomonic Law.
This system is a flawed mess.

God's biggest blunder.

Why couldn't he think of a better way?
He did. The virgin birth. One of the glories of modern technology is that woman all over the Bible Belt are able to maintain their virginity and give birth through artificial insemination - like The Blessed Virgin. The answer is to make all sex illegal - which would include prostitution.

Not only do you NOT have to worry about your daughter becoming a prostitution, you do NOT have to worry about her having sex at all - a father's dream come true!
It's curious. People, sufficiently good looking, sell their appearance and that's OK. People sell their labor and that's OK. People sell their talents and mental abilities and that is OK. People sell their integrity and that's OK - not, in general, illegal, anyway. People give away use of their genitals all of the time and that's OK - these days; it used to be that you were supposed to be married. But, according to many people, it's really bad to sell the use of your genitals.

Do I have this right? You can't tell a woman that she has to have an abortion. You can't tell a woman that she can't have an abortion. You can't tell a woman that she has to have an ultrasound prior to an abortion. But you can tell a woman that she can't exchange sex for cash? But for dinner and a Broadway show that's still OK, right?

I'm sure it's true that little girls do not want to be prostitutes when they grow up. But there are a lot of people in this world who are not doing what they wanted to do as adults when they were children and who are doing really crummy jobs instead. I respect them all.

Americans are indeed puritans, but they are the biggest porn movie producers on Earth, lol (we all have our contradictions, he he)
A phrase I read in a book caught my eye years ago, something about Americans being highly repressed and obsessed with sexuality. I think we could say the puritanical repression actually causes the obsession - the sexual energy cannot be expressed in a normal healthy way nor completely contained, so that leaves the entire society more susceptible to different forms of packaging sex as product, for advertising, or in the extreme, porn. I think it creates a sort of isolation that goes hand in hand with the general American material culture, and this isolation makes us more vulnerable to forces that would keep us as robots in the corporate machine.
One legitimate complaint about prostitution is that it makes it easy for a man in a committed relationship to cheat on his lover. Unlike an affair, he doesn't have to worry about someone calling up his wife in a fit of jealousy. In America, it's more likely that the male is addicted to pornography and loses interest in his partner.

This is more of an American problem because most other cultures see marriage as primarily a place to provide a good environment to raise children. Recreational sex is something for outside of marriage - at least for the man.
It is not true that ALL women would rather prefer chocolate, and that they are less equal to men in their needs. (of coarse some are .. but not all). Some women can easily, hands down, exceed a man. Not everybody is the same.

It's not right to put down the power of a woman. Woman's power can bring empires and presidents down, let alone a regular average guy. I don't accept someone taking the position of "the fox guarding the chicken house". God after making this whole mess gave woman as much power if not more (not necessarily physical power) ... but it's a stand off. Makes it a tie. And no tie-breaker in the rules.

Is it reasonable to say that if there is a chance for abuse, let's just shut the whole system down? Of coarse someone will misuse and abuse the system, so we take measures against that. But we don't shut down all air traffic cause there is a chance of planes falling off the skies.

Our fate that we're on earth for a while, and we (women & men) have no option but to deal with it the way it was handed to us.
There are plenty of places in Latin America that have enacted laws like that and they didn't make a dent, just made it worse. It's almost always unavoidable that women get exploited when you legalize prostitution, especially in Latin America. The best solution would be to make it illegal and target those that use the service and target the pimps, as in fines and jail if caught. If behavior like this is wrong and families need to be protected, then why on earth would you legalize it? It is behavior that is morally reprehensible and unjust in that the rights of women are almost always abused. If we use that kind of logic, then we might legalize contract killing if it mean there were less contract killings after legalizing it. The red light zone law is what caused this issue in the first place.

I would argue that making prostitution illegal actually endangers prostitutes much more because they feel unable to seek help if they need to, and they are forced into keeping their work out of public eye where they are much more likely to be put in danger. I'm pretty sure mountains of evidence support my opinion as well.

I would also argue that consensual sex between adults is never morally reprehensible. I think maybe you should check your judgement. Some people choose to be sex workers, there is nothing wrong with that. What is morally reprehensible is the exploitation of women or men who work in the sex industry. That exploitation is made possible by the stigmatization of their industry and is obviously not prevented by making sex work illegal, otherwise it would have ended decades ago.

So I guess my conclusion can only be that the problem is not sex workers but people like you with bigoted opinions about that industry
I would argue that making prostitution illegal actually endangers prostitutes much more because they feel unable to seek help if they need to, and they are forced into keeping their work out of public eye where they are much more likely to be put in danger. I'm pretty sure mountains of evidence support my opinion as well.

I would also argue that consensual sex between adults is never morally reprehensible. I think maybe you should check your judgement. Some people choose to be sex workers, there is nothing wrong with that. What is morally reprehensible is the exploitation of women or men who work in the sex industry. That exploitation is made possible by the stigmatization of their industry and is obviously not prevented by making sex work illegal, otherwise it would have ended decades ago.

So I guess my conclusion can only be that the problem is not sex workers but people like you with bigoted opinions about that industry

I made similar comments in a post above and got brickbats. Wait your turn to receive them.