Cacerolazo (April)

C5N has pictures of Binner at the obelisco doing an interview. First time an "opposition" politician has been at the protest?

Fernando Solanas now on Cronica. They were all absent last time around were they not?
Pino Solanas has a one track mind ..... Against Barrick Gold and minning
Carrio on A24 too, who's missing?

edit: she's beside Solanas now on C5N
It looks like fewer people out tonight than in November. I remember Santa Fe absolutely jammed all the way past the Obelisk to Plaza de Mayo.
Meanwhile in Urquiza, not a peep. I would have thought that some people might have gone to kiciloff's to bang their pots (3 streets away from me) but no... Very kirchnerista neighbourhood...
It looks like fewer people out tonight than in November. I remember Santa Fe absolutely jammed all the way past the Obelisk to Plaza de Mayo.

dunno quite a few are outside the congress, there wasn't any last time.
I was at a protest yesterday outside of the INCAA (film institute) because myself and other documentary filmmakers are against proposed budget cuts and a plan to censor doc films. We responded to a decree from the INCAA with a couterproposal that point by point offered ways to change the new rule. We chanted against the new rule. Today, at 6pm, there was a meeting between Doc filmmakers and INCAA.
At no point did we call INCAA a "dictatorship" or the president of the INCAA a bitch.

Now, what I see on the news with this protest tonight is not very constructive. A lot of slogans, but very little actual debate about how to improve the laws that the President offered to congress to vote on. Also, the op politicians don´t have the votes to kick them out. And some slogans are simply incendiary and not true (this is not a dictatorship, there has been no concrete proposal to change the constitution to allow re-elections). Also, the symbol of the protest is banging on pots. This comes from banging on empty pots to protest lack of food. This, in an economy that has positive growth (unlike a lot of countries in Europe). And just the fact that tons of people can protest proves that this isn´t a dictatorship.

I think it would be better to organize a real altertative. Momo? (yes, he is called Momo, he calls himself a union leader but he is head of the rural workers union, and he is in bed with the campo). Carilo? Maybe an actual list of demands would help, and at least one person who is presentable in an election and can get more than 25% of the vote.

Otherwise this is "mucho ruido, poco nueces".

Chanting "Argentina!" isn´t going to get you very far.

Just a thought. But I also hope they don´t take my advice! :D