Cacerolazo This Thursday, April 18Th. Get Out Your Pans!

I think the fact that the current administration has presided over successive years of 25% plus inflation is more worrying to everyone than foreign currency restrictions.

My family and I will be out in solidarity with those who have lost their life in the Once tragedy while this government twiddles their thumbs, those who cannot afford food and are insulted by the bare faced lie of "eat for 6 pesos per day" , those who have been victims of crime and looting while this government sits on their asses, on behalf of everyone who objects to the loosing out on their childrens education and public healthcare standards while this government props up failing industries (aerolineas / ypf) with under qualified incompetents and for everyone who believes in the separation of judiciary and government.
I fully understand the populist effect that CFK has. She's a master at pulling at the heart-strings of Argentines and raising national pride. However, economically and many other ways this is a train-wreck waiting to happen (to use a bad pun).

And therein lies a very serious problem.
She is indeed masterful at rousing the rabble and appeals to a section of society that she is able to nurture through their ignorance and selling them illusions.
It's been done before and sure as hell won't be the last time.
Their big mistake is not realising that the vast majority of thinking, living and walking people saw through their smoke and mirrors act from day one.