Cfk: Us Preparing To Kill Me And Topple My Govt

1) Grasping at straws b/c she is desperate or trying to distract the masses - either way it's sad/scary.
2) The sliver lining (?!) if there is one. I'm not so sure how well it's working. Yesteday, I stopped at my veggie place. The woman who works there is core demographic of CFK support and for the first time since she was elected, she was ranting and raving about how out of touch CFK is, how insulting it is for CFK to sit there and say you can eat for 8 pesos a day when CFK is eating (in her words) caviar and drinking champagne. At least to me, this lady sees CFK as Sshades of Marie Antoinette despite CFK's claims to be champion of the poor.
If you were to ask an average U.S. citizen what their thoughts are on Argentina they would probably say,
A. Don't they have tango?
or B. Isn't the capital Buenos Aires?

Nothing of the political situation here ever enters the minds of people back in the States, so to say there is a conspiracy against the president is to give her more credit than is owed. No matter how irrational it is, it's upsetting that such flagrant accusations can just be panhandled around as fact without needing to produce evidence to back them up.
She has killed the golden goose, her electoral base has been erodede by those who have gone further left to the motorway dwelling perma-protestors on the frente de la izquierda (or whatever they are calling themselves), urban lefties have gone to UNEN + well meaning progressives in UCR and Sergio the usurper has ripped her (well, the PJ's traditional base) to shreds inthe province because the crime situation is out of hand and he knows how to work a CCTV. She knows it, every poll tells her the same thing and the only way to solidify her base is find something for them to rally round. It's hardly unique to Argentine politics and has worked very well up north.

Invent bogeyman, scare your electoral base half to death, get re-elected, continue getting rich.

Works the world over.

In this case I think the perceived or indeed real crime situation will sink her more than the economy whose failings, to a certain extent, will be aceeped as the fault of those hungry vultures. Even if she has to empty the coffers of the central bank she will spend on plans and subsidies to preserve the illusion of the model. Your average guy in the province really doesnt think about whether the BCRA reserves are 10bn or 25 bn...just numbers, has no perceived affect on him. Even though, it does.
I don't buy the psycho analysis. Sorry. It is easy to label someone "crazy" just because someone promotes ideas that are 180 degrees from what we think are correct. I think she is very smart, eloquent, and an extremely astute and ruthless politician.

Agree, to a point. She's gone further and further off the ranch since Nestor died - it sure looks like his puppetry was more effective than her political savvy.
I don't buy the psycho analysis. Sorry. It is easy to label someone "crazy" just because someone promotes ideas that are 180 degrees from what we think are correct. I think she is very smart, eloquent, and an extremely astute and ruthless politician.

All of the anti-US rhetoric is providing a base for when she "wins" against the holdouts. She will have SAVED Argentina from financial ruin. I don't count her/her team out at all for 2015.
You don't have to buy it. It's pretty well documented.
Good point, though she has completely invalidated herself to anyone with only a lick of intelligence.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasonably intelligent people who buy into her rhetoric and somehow manage to turn a blind eye or simply shrug when she says something like what she's saying now. You tend to have to leave Palermo/Recoleta Island to find them, but they exist.

CFK is a skilled politician and no dummy, but she's flailing with this one.
Yes, the US do not have interests in this country. In fact, after imposing a dictatorship, with a plan to kidnap and desappear political adversaries, that is, eliminating a competitor with the majority of the people on their side, after that, after imposing an economic plan, with lots of measures to divide the working class poitical organisatiion and estabish an alliance with foreign financial capitals to create dependence, after that, THEY MAGICALLY STOPPED HAVING INTERESTS IN THIS COUNTRY AND LEFT FROM THE POLITICAL SCENARIO. You could see it everywhere world wide, the US do not have interests in Ucrania, or Middle East, or Korea, or Africa, or China. They dont care. They dont gave a shit when Chavez governed Venezuela, they did not organise a coup to overthrow him. They did not participate in Chiles dictatorship, -or in any dictatorship of Latin America.

You know what, I don t think the US have any interest on whats going on in the world, they did not kill Arafat or Bhutto or Che Guevara or Kennedy or... the list is long.

Now if you have ISIS, threatening the pope and CFK, sending messages that they gonna kill her, why cant we think that they (still) have the power, to kill a leader who is against their interests, and then blame some terrorist organisation created and controlled by them?
Yes, the US do not have interests in this country. In fact, after imposing a dictatorship, with a plan to kidnap and desappear political adversaries, that is, eliminating a competitor with the majority of the people on their side, after that, after imposing an economic plan, with lots of measures to divide the working class poitical organisatiion and estabish an alliance with foreign financial capitals to create dependence, after that, THEY MAGICALLY STOPPED HAVING INTERESTS IN THIS COUNTRY AND LEFT FROM THE POLITICAL SCENARIO. You could see it everywhere world wide, the US do not have interests in Ucrania, or Middle East, or Korea, or Africa, or China. They dont care. They dont gave a shit when Chavez governed Venezuela, they did not organise a coup to overthrow him. They did not participate in Chiles dictatorship, -or in any dictatorship of Latin America.

You know what, I don t think the US have any interest on whats going on in the world, they did not kill Arafat or Bhutto or Che Guevara or Kennedy or... the list is long.

Now if you have ISIS, threatening the pope and CFK, sending messages that they gonna kill her, why cant we think that they (still) have the power, to kill a leader who is against their interests, and then blame some terrorist organisation created and controlled by them?
I present exhibit A.