I apparently need a hobby.
I found
this ruling from the Supreme Court last night. My understanding...the court rules that the classes of citizenship are not constitutional. nativo vs por opcion vs naturalizados. Hooft was discriminated against not for being Argentine, but being a particular type of Argentine.
"el actor es discriminado por la norma local, no por ser argentino, sino por ser argentino "naturalizado", no por ser nacional, sino por el origen de su nacionalidad.." Los ciudadanos argentinos pueden ser agrupados en nativos, por opción, naturalizados. Por lo tanto la disposición del art. 177 contraría el principio de igualdad ante la ley del art.16 de la Constitución Nacional.."
"actor is discriminated by the local norm, not for being Argentine, but for being Argentine" naturalized "not to be national, but the origin of nationality .." Argentine citizens can be grouped into natives, by choice, naturalized. Therefore the provision of art. 177 contradicts the principle of equality before the law art.16 of the Constitution .. "
And another case I found today from Mendoza. Guy wants to join the police, passes the mental and physical tests, but then denied due his being naturalized.
El primero de ellos es una sentencia de la Suprema Corte de Mendoza, caso Sanhueza del año 1996.(15) Este Sr. Fernando F. Sanhueza, nacido en Chile, se naturalizó argentino en 1991; tiene domicilio en la ciudad de San Rafael, está casado y tiene tres hijos nacidos en nuestro país en 1988, 1991 y 1993, respectivamente. Su esposa es docente de escuela primaria en la misma ciudad, nació en Chile y también se naturalizó argentina. En abril de 1992 Sanhueza solicitó el ingreso a la policía de Mendoza; pasó todos los exámenes psicofísicos y ocupó el 19º lugar en el orden de méritos de treinta candidatos. En junio de 1992 se le notificó que quedaba excluido del curso de la Unidad Regional Segunda pues no reunía el requisito previsto en el art. 29 inc. a ley 4747, que exige para ingresar en la Policía de Mendoza ser argentino nativo o por opción, siendo él argentino naturalizado.
The first is a judgment of the Supreme Court of Mendoza, case Sanhueza 1996. (15) This Sanhueza Mr. Fernando F., born in Chile, Argentina was naturalized in 1991; domiciled in the city of San Rafael, is married and has three children born in Spain in 1988, 1991 and 1993, respectively. His wife teaches elementary school in the same city, was born in Chile and Argentina naturalized. In April 1992, Sanhueza applied for admission to the police in Mendoza; passed all the psychophysical tests and occupied the 19th place in the order of merit of thirty candidates. In June 1992 he was notified that was excluded from the course of the Second Regional Unit therefore did not meet the requirement of Art. 29 inc. a 4747 law that requires police to enter Mendoza be native or by option Argentine, he being naturalized Argentine.
So...humans can't be illegal under the law (undocumented immigrants and most of BAExpats

). Nor can you have special classes of Argentines.