Dating in Buenos Aires.

citygirl said:
shushhhh - I'm embracing my histerica! Now is when I start yelling at you for trying to impose your rules on me, I'll behave any way I please and if you really cared about me, you wouldn't attack me like this.

Then I'll ask you if you want to come over for dinner later, clearly I'll be cooking. Bring jewelry:D:D:D

I'm off from a relationship with an argentinian... now you expect me to cope with the same sh_t I already know very well??

I may or may not call you about dinner tonight... who knows...
OK, now I know what those posts mean by "histericos". Argentines are indeed emotional and temperamental and they firmly believe ALL Northerners are cold and unfeeling.

Makes sense to me now: what you all see as hysterical, we see as demonstrative and warm. Matter of different cultures.
SaraSara said:
OK, now I know what those posts mean by "histericos". Argentines are indeed emotional and temperamental and they firmly believe ALL Northerners are cold and unfeeling.

Makes sense to me now: what you all see as hysterical, we see as demonstrative and warm. Matter of different cultures.

Eh..I'll chalk some of it up to cultural differences. But some of it is just plain hysterical behavior.

For example
Me: Do you want to have dinner tonight? (after he had mentioned earlier in the day about seeing me)
Him: "Don't put pressure on me. I don't know what my day will turn out to be. I have been working so hard. Why do you constantly do this? I told you I'm not ready for a relationship"

Me: "I'm going out to dinner tonight."
Him: "What do you mean? With whom? Are you seeing someone else? What are you doing? How could you do this? I knew you were cheating on me. Who is he?"

Me: "I don't want to talk about this right now."
Him: "Fine, I will see you at the resurrection (my favorite quote ever - ah, ESL - I think he meant "drop dead":D) You are nothing to me. I thought we had something special but you are so cold. This will never work." (That was followed by storming out, 7 texts about what an evil bitch I am and then him showing up at my house the next day and casually saying "So, want to have dinner tonight?"

Or there was guy I dated who would call me when I was in the US (before I moved here full-time) and it was filled with "t quiero, como t extraño, I want us to be together, the time we spent together was the best time of my life, I want to marry you, etc" 3 or 4 times a day we talked via text, msn, phone etc. I met his family, his friends, everything.

3 months later, I moved here. It took him a month to call me. Needless to say, we did not wind up getting married:rolleyes:
billsfan said:
I'm off from a relationship with an argentinian... now you expect me to cope with the same sh_t I already know very well??

I may or may not call you about dinner tonight... who knows...

that just made me laugh out loud!
Jeeeeezzzz...! Citygirl, those men sound really strange. No wonder you got fed up with them.
nlaruccia said:
I have a dear friend that's a psychologist from Buenos Aires who once told me that in Argentina "you desire who you don't love, and you love who you don't desire." Hence, marrying and cheating on your spouse.

Like this isn't true everywhere in the world. Maybe some cultures require people to keep quiet about it more than others but, c'mon, everyone wants a little strange from time to time.

billsfan said:
Q. Why so much drama?
A. There is big pct of italian and spanish descent (60-70%?). The Opera, the 3 tenors, bull fighting, cattenachio (italian futbol defensive style), evita, mafia... add that to the latin american "telenovelas". Everything is drama here. Live with it or go back to Finland.

This again? Yawn.

There are plenty of people in Spain and Italy, and of Spanish and Italian descent throughout the world, who are dull as dishwater. They also don't spend much time thinking about how Spanish or Italian they are. Maybe in another century or two Argentina will start to take responsibility for its own nonsense.

citygirl said:
NYC men have their own challenges, workaholics, emotionally frozen, tough to pin down... (single, attractive men in their 30s in NYC have a myriad of dating options, etc)...

We single, attractive NYC men may have plenty of dating options but have you seen most of those options? There are some seriously batshit crazy women in New York. Advice to any dudes heading to NYC: if a girl mentions Sex and the City, get the hell out of there quick. She will take every cent you've got and then some.

billsfan said:
...I may or may not call you about dinner tonight... who knows...

citygirl said:
that just made me laugh out loud!

From everything I've read here it seems Argentines are very different with foreigners, perhaps because they feel they risk nothing.

They are not likely to pull such tricks with people whose families they know, or who know their own families.
holy sh*t.

This thread got real emotional really fast.

* hands out tissues to the girls and the " dudes " *
ssr said:
There are plenty of people in Spain and Italy, and of Spanish and Italian descent throughout the world, who are dull as dishwater. They also don't spend much time thinking about how Spanish or Italian they are. Maybe in another century or two Argentina will start to take responsibility for its own nonsense.

You are probably right. Moving on.