Dating in Buenos Aires.

billsfan said:
OK then. I don't have to deal with it, so I don't care :)

I don't have to deal with it either, but I does make for interesting observation & conversation.....
Please, I'm Argentine - probably that distorts my vision because I don't see Arg. men and women as being particularly "hysterical". What do you people mean by that? Overly emotional? I'd really like to understand.
histerico = overly dramatic, quick to take a small thing and make it a big thing, super and I mean SUPER jealous, prone to scenes, prone to emotional diarrhea which doesn't really have a lot of meaning (see the aforementioned T quiero, sos una diosa, quiero casarme con vos, vamos a tener 3 hijos juntos - and then...nothing.) - you get the picture.

NYC men have their own challenges, workaholics, emotionally frozen, tough to pin down (single, attractive men in their 30s in NYC have a myriad of dating options, etc). So no, they're not perfect either but who is?:rolleyes:

Like I said, I like Argentina but I've gotten really and I mean really cynical about dating and men here. And no, I don't meet men in bars (it's not my scene) and still, there has always been some level of drama. Ditto on the giving out my phone number and them going out on a date once and then calling 2 months later. It's crazy to me.

But I worry that some day, some man is actually going to mean it when he says things like I love you and I want to get married, and I'm just going to roll my eyes at him, sigh and tell him to stop with the BS.:(
citygirl said:
histerico = overly dramatic, quick to take a small thing and make it a big thing, super and I mean SUPER jealous, prone to scenes, prone to emotional diarrhea which doesn't really have a lot of meaning (see the aforementioned T quiero, sos una diosa, quiero casarme con vos, vamos a tener 3 hijos juntos - and then...nothing.) - you get the picture.

Wait, I think there is a translation problem... by "histerico/a" and "histeriqueo" I usually mean the "game" some believe is necessary as a way to seduce others.

What you mention is nothing good at all!
Jesus!! Talk about reputation we're getting!
And I'll add something in the mix here...

Most locals would think foreign girls (and men) are here just to have fun. Those "Wild on" TV shows don't do you any favor (you white chicks) :p
So the biggest challenge for any of you (to establish a relationship with someone) is to get that idea out of their heads.
billsfan said:
And I'll add something in the mix here...

Most locals would think foreign girls (and men) are here just to have fun. Those "Wild on" TV shows don't do you any favor (you white chicks) :p
So the biggest challenge for any of you (to establish a relationship with someone) is to get that idea out of their heads.

Good point. As a conocido once told me, extranjeras are for having fun with, porteñas are for marrying.

And yes -there is your definition of histerico as well - how many days to wait to call her so that she is desperate to talk to you, the come here/go away games, etc., etc. But that isn't what I was necessarily referring to, I was thinking more the DRAMA that seems to exist with so many men and women.

God, I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it.
citygirl said:
I was thinking more the DRAMA that seems to exist with so many men and women.

God, I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it.

Don't be so dramatic about it.
shushhhh - I'm embracing my histerica! Now is when I start yelling at you for trying to impose your rules on me, I'll behave any way I please and if you really cared about me, you wouldn't attack me like this.

Then I'll ask you if you want to come over for dinner later, clearly I'll be cooking. Bring jewelry:D:D:D