Dating in Buenos Aires.

AlexfromLA said:
holy sh*t.
This thread got real emotional really fast.
* hands out tissues to the girls and the " dudes " *

Snifff.. Thanks man... snif.. I needed it... snif..
Wait, aren't these the same tissues you use while you're watching the UFC???.. Dude!!!
billsfan said:
Snifff.. Thanks man... snif.. I needed it... snif..
Wait, aren't these the same tissues you use while you're watching the UFC???.. Dude!!!

It's clearly time for AlexfromLA and billsfan to duke it out in the octagon, possibly for the affections of the alluring citygirl. Turn off those telenovelas, people, the real drama is right here at ;)
ssr said:
It's clearly time for AlexfromLA and billsfan to duke it out in the octagon, possibly for the affections of the alluring citygirl. Turn off those telenovelas, people, the real drama is right here at ;)

ORLY ???

I don't think that Argentinean men treat Argentinean women better than they do foreign women according to the Argentinean women I know. Have you ever entered an Argentinean forum in Spanish? They themselves complain about the same things. That the men are histericos, son colgados, que te dejan plantados. They're emotionally unstable. If you get too close to a male friend, say calling him occasionally whenever you've had a bad day, they get scared and pull away from you. Or when you're going through a rough time. They might tell you to go see a shrink since everyone else here does. Many, not all, of the friendships seem rather superficial in that sense. In other words, friendships are about going out for coffee, having mate in the park and hanging out, but not for sharing intimate things together. It's something I've discussed with Argentineans and some seem quite perplexed at my different foreign way of thinking. What gets me is how are so many men married if they can't even commit to a first date? I've had to study Argentinean history, economics, etc for my high school equivalency. as well as in the university so I can understand when someone says they're hysterical here because of their Italian background. But there are also a lot of Italians in other Latin American countries that don't act this way. Yes, Argentina has a very unstable government and it has been that way since its creation, but I don't want to get into history, immigration waves, and political and economic influence on the culture here. There not only a lot of Spanish and Italians here, but there are many Eastern Europeans and Jews as well. Different backgrounds, same behavior. I can't understand what happened during history that made Argentineans so unique. All my Argentinean friends know this and admit it, but they can't deny their nature. In fact, my whole family is Argentinean, but that doesn't make me similar to them nor does it help me to understand them. So are men "histericos" do to culture and their Italian background? Men here weren't always "histericos". It's a more recent phenomenon that's being studied. One thing most of us can probably agree on is that in general they don't respect women. What do I mean by that? Not saying what they do, not doing what they say, and making you waste your time. I'll call you, and not call. Make plans with you, then stand you up when you could have made other plans. Promise to do something, then conveniently forget. If you ask to be treated with respect they say you're complicated. "Que complicada que sos!" I have some male Argentinean friends who always go out with a gorgeous, intelligent, successful women and are completely into them. After a few weeks or a few months they lose complete interest and even they don't understand why. They don't understand their own motives. They go from woman to woman not knowing what they really want. Serial test-drivers. Others date a woman for a few years and even if it's going really well, it doesn't change the fact that they're a ticking time bomb. The bomb goes off and suddenly they start to crave independence, fear commitment, lose sexual interest and break-up even though they love their girlfriend or wife. They date or marry another woman and repeat the same thing over and over again. By the way, they all happen to go to psychologists.
Sometimes I think that in a lot of Latin American countries woman don't have the same respect as in some other places. I mean, American men have their issues too, but sometimes I feel like the Argentines can be kind of womanizing.

Besides that, I am just curious to know, is anyone else here bothered by the legalization of prostitution here? I mean, I suppose, if it is legal and controlled well, then I am really in no position to tell another woman what to do with her body. BUT We all know that Argentina is a place where people tend to break the rules and I am somehow certain some of those prostitutes are probably poor girls who really weren't given much of a chance in life. It seems to me that nobody ever says anything about this topic (locals or expats) and sometimes it really bothers me. I also think, that the Argentine men must be using these services or else they wouldn't exist, or am I wrong? Is there a lot of sex tourism happening here? Just curious, I know it's a bit off topic.
This is a great forum guy and it gives me a chance to express my views about this topic. I actually believe that the problem lies in the tremendous addiction people have in therapy and as you know psychology here is practiced by all social classes. Portenos seem to be insecure people but of course that is wrapped up in the confident arrogant image. The insecurities people have are not being helped by therapy here in actual fact I say the reverse that the therapy instead of helping the patient creates a dependency to his physiologist and the drugs that are casually given for any minor problem. Instead of enabling people to become strong within themselves and responsible for their actions they are victims that need constant attention and pampering from their therapists.

Now I know this sounds harsh but it blindingly obvious to me and another factor people are forgetting is the incredible use of psychiatric drugs that Buenos Aires citizens take. Now all of these make you highly strung and contribute immensely to the dramatic nature of the people. This is the major difference between Buenos Aires and all other Latin American Cities . These are my two cents worth
Whether it should be legalized or not is a controversial issue. It's not legalized here, but the police don't control it. They focus on giving parking tickets. Sometimes they might raid a telo in Recoleta where the prostitutes take their Argentinean and foreign clients and ask them for bribery. There are several places in the city where prostitutes work; sometimes they hang out in restaurants, sometimes the "gatos" that have no bouncer hang out in boliches, and others work in clubs in Recoleta where they can earn around $300 pesos per hour depending on where their client is from. Unfortunately it's so expensive in Buenos Aires, and the inflation has risen so drastically that most of the young prostitutes can't earn enough to live off as a maid or a waitress and have to resort to prostituting. In general Argentineans don't give much thought to prostitution. I don't think they look down on prostitutes like many people do in the States.