Dear People Scared Of The (Big) Government

Big government? This doesn't have anything to do with it. Its because the government can be manipulated by big business we have this problem. Making the government smaller won't help.

Just look at the most capitalist country in the world, USA and their shocking level of health care and concentration of wealth in the few.
Now compare that to Germany, Sweden or Denmark.

I would say there are a lot of countries more capitalist than the US, e.g. Singapore that has a much smaller government sector than the US.

The large size of the US government allows it to develop convoluted regulations to benefit corporations, finance large bailouts, guarantee loans to inflate housing and student debt bubbles, engage in overseas adventures to benefit the military industrial complex. These activities didn't occur a 100 years ago because the US government was much smaller as a percentage of GDP than it is now.

Big Corporations work hand-in-hand with Big Government to benefit each other.

In the other extreme with a massive government sector, Cuba is an example of where you want to go?!?!
So remind me again why we have an economic crisis in Europe and the US, wasn't that because of minimal regulations in lending?

In the case of the USA the opposite is true and the current administration is repeating the past:


This individual makes some great (and factual) points:


There are certain laws placed upon the Banks and Wall Street firms that are good barriers to corruption like the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, commercial bank, and an insurance company.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton signed into law, "The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act" (GLB), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, opening up the market among banking companies, security companies, insurance companies.

The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to consolidate. For example, Citicorp (a commercial bank holding company) merged with Travelers Group (an insurance company) in 1998 to form the conglomerate Citigroup, a corporation combining banking, securities and insurance services under a house of brands that included Citibank, Smith Barney, Primerica, and Travelers.This single piece of Legislation, signed by President Clinton, along with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that Jimmy Carter signed into law, allowed and enabled these Liberal Democrats, - specifically Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, and Chuck Schummer to perpetuate and exasperate the sub-prime and ARM mortgage lending govt system, by coercing forcing banks and other financial institutions, along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and specifically Country Wide Mortgage, who were not only not coerced, but were willing participants if not instigators in massive corruption and cronyism, but worse was the disgusting blatant exhibition of trading mortgages for govt legislative favors to so called VIP Congressional and Executive politicians and their staffers, and so on, where the tax payers were to be footed the Bill for all of it in the end- ie; a taxpayer govt bailout, in making these bad loans with assurances of govt guaranteed coverage, which Wall Street financial firms then bundled and packaged these bad loans, aka toxic assets by hiding them within money market and mutual fund packages, then sold them off to some other Wall Street financial banking institution, who then repackaged and resold them again and again, until the wall street housing and banking bubble crisis burst in Oct 2008.

With the same asinine liberals in charge, they have not only created the Dodd-Frank financial business law, which is one big govt controlling legislative and executive bureaucratic financial nightmare monstrosity that will absolutely destroy and suffocate the US economic private sector's banking financial institution's friendly atmosphere towards the consumer, but they are now embarked on yet another Housing and Banking crisis, that will surely destroy whatever is left of our economy and financial system.
Why is it that the slimy disgusting sleeze that is liberals and their destructive policies and laws that destroys all that is good and right, which permeates throughout Washington DC, ie; Congress, for decades, never ceases.
Germany is a big country but you seemed to have filtered this out in your odd argument.

No one is saying they want a stupidly big state sector like Cuba. Just not to cut back on services that help people.

You keep on trying to divert attention away from the cause of the crisis to hacking away the state and protection for the most vulnerable in society.

Remember the banks caused this mess because they are bigger than the state.
This is an example of the famous propaganda technique of the Big Lie (Große Lüge)

BS Phil took my straight-forward argument in favor of small government and then somehow associated with Mass Murdering Gun Nuts - not as elegantly done as Goebbels - but he is trying.

The Cronies - all that benefit from the current system - will utilize any propaganda technique to keep the status quo. You see BS Phil is one of the Cronies - one of the beneficiaries of the status quo. As an academic he feeds like a fat pig at the public trough. We pay his salary so he can continue to be a parasite to the system. The problem is that if the parasites get too strong the host starts to die, e.g 55% youth unemployment, price controls, currency controls etc. which can lead to complete societal breakdown, anarchy and death.

Now ask yourself does this guy know what he is talking about?

He says he pays my salary. He doesnt. I'd like to know what taxes he pays as he drifts onwards and meaninglessly from Argentina to Canada to Vietnam to Spain and onwards.

By any definition of a rootless parasitic self publicising college drop out and general waster with no job and an unearned income possibly from relatives who are only too glad to pay him to keep him away from them and all they care for!

And all this attention seeking! Friendless and desperate for acclamation as he haunts the pages of ex pats as he tries to ingratiate himself. An example? His "postcards from Seville" telling us all after one whole week no less how he knows the answer to Spain's economic, political and culinary issues

Know nothing and misguided he latches onto any possibility to comment in a vain attempt to bolster his own flagging self image. Actually a sad misguided and pathetic creature and a source of pity and wonderment.

Joe Do society a favour Go and get a job ! Any job will do. Anywhere will do as well but preferably with restricted access to the internet and these pages until you have rehabilitated yourself preferably with some professional health adviser no doubt trained at the public's expense somewhere

Your problem isnt Big Government it is you .... and your lack of application in finding a useful and constructive role in Society!

Being the Resident Troll in Ba Ex Pats doesn't count
Now ask yourself does this guy know what he is talking about?

He says he pays my salary. He doesnt. I'd like to know what taxes he pays as he drifts onwards and meaninglessly from Argentina to Canada to Vietnam to Spain and onwards.

By any definition of a rootless parasitic self publicising college drop out and general waster with no job and an unearned income possibly from relatives who are only too glad to pay him to keep him away from them and all they care for!

And all this attention seeking! Friendless and desperate for acclamation as he haunts the pages of ex pats as he tries to ingratiate himself. An example? His "postcards from Seville" telling us all after one whole week no less how he knows the answer to Spain's economic, political and culinary issues

Know nothing and misguided he latches onto any possibility to comment in a vain attempt to bolster his own flagging self image. Actually a sad misguided and pathetic creature and a source of pity and wonderment.

Joe Do society a favour Go and get a job ! Any job will do. Anywhere will do as well but preferably with restricted access to the internet and these pages until you have rehabilitated yourself preferably with some professional health adviser no doubt trained at the public's expense somewhere

Your problem isnt Big Government it is you .... and your lack of application in finding a useful and constructive role in Society!

Being the Resident Troll in Ba Ex Pats doesn't count
Wow, such a long post just to launch personal attacks against me - I think the BA Expat readers are more interested in the topic then your disjointed hypotheses about me. Please try to stick to the subject and/or launch a separate thread reserved for personal attacks against me so the readers do not have to slog through your long winded personal attacks.
- TeaPartyReaganConservative mentioned in thread,
- Decides its not worth discussing anything
- Exits thread and resumes normal life.
Some reasons to be "scared" of big government (BG):
  • BG is unsustainable. Governments are inefficient due to the fact that they usually sustain themselves by money printing, which is a false economy. Inflation is an invisible tax leaching off the real economy of production. Growth continues until the parasite kills the host.
  • BG concentrates power. For example we see more and more laws for taxes, business regulations, whittling away of liberties, etc. The percentage of the economy under control of the BG tends to expand. The people's rights get marginalized, and their ability to reverse the situation diminishes. The gun debate is a prime current example. The problem is that BG attracts people hungry for power, demagogues and the like . Power corrupts.
  • Decision making becomes increasingly centralized, and decisions increasingly lean in favor of the majority, or to the elite in power. This is fine if you happen to be a member of the "in" group. Pretty much sucks for everyone else.
As stated above, capitalism and corporatism are two entirely different things, and the US has not been an example of free market capitalism for a very very long time. Regarding making a law about lending to people who can't pay it back. We must look a little higher up the food chain. We have given free reign to the Federal Reserve to "create" money and do whatever they want with it with no accountability or restraint or even transparency. We're not going to get anywhere until we are all on the same page. There is no such thing as "free" money, whether it's for wars, social programs, housing subsidies, bank insurance, etc etc. Money is a national resource, and when it is "created out of thin air", it devalues any savings that we have, or conversely, drives inflation that reduces our personal spending power. Like taxation, but even more so, money printing is a bleeding out of our personal wealth in compliance with a social contract that we never signed. So those of us who are "scared" of government, or more to the point, are resentful of BG, we are entitled to feel so, as is any person coerced without recourse into an invalid contract.
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