Do Argentinians Use Their Dogs As Weapons In Ba?

Oh, come on, Gringo! It's the call of the wild. Is there nothing in your soul which answers to that primal cry in the night, freighted with hunger, arrogance, and unrequited lust?

Next you'll tell me that hearing a train whistle from far away, deep in the night, does nothing for you.

(OK, granted, train whistles don't piss on everything in sight, but, hey...)
Germano, yes I read the study and I actually understand it. From the abstract: "[font=Arial Unicode MS']These data suggest that although general characteristics of dogs and owners may be a factor at population level, it would be inappropriate to make assumptions about an individual animal's risk of aggression to people based on characteristics such as breed."[/font]

Reading the abstract is not enough. Nowhere in the study they examine particular dog breeds or compare them. The only thing they do is categorize dog breeds in "breed types" Toy, Utility, Hounds, Gundogs, ... etc. (see table 4,5,6 ...).
Just arrived in Lillehammer after several days in Oslo, where dogs are welcome on the Metro, the sidewalks are sorete-free, and there are almost no free-roaming cats.
Just arrived in Lillehammer after several days in Oslo, where dogs are welcome on the Metro, the sidewalks are sorete-free, and there are almost no free-roaming cats.
What does this have to do with Southern Cone Travelling?
How is this any different from dogs barking day and night for no apparent reason? Cats are very quiet animals, they make noise only when in love or in danger, while dogs barks for excitement/when alerts. Basically always.

Basenjis are barkless, and many other breeds and plenty of individual dogs are almost silent. My first malamute barked annually for about ten minutes, and then would shut up until the following year.
Basenjis are barkless, and many other breeds and plenty of individual dogs are almost silent. My first malamute barked annually for about ten minutes, and then would shut up until the following year.
We will allow all dogs that don't bark, bite, poop or pee in the city.
How is this any different from dogs barking day and night for no apparent reason? Cats are very quiet animals, they make noise only when in love or in danger, while dogs barks for excitement/when alerts. Basically always.
I've sent that tom cat round to your place and I expect a full report from you later.