Why am I still taken aback when the bitch illustrates her seemingly irresistible urge to swim against the tide.
I mean, there's political opportunism and there's just plain wrong footed.
Also, I can't make out if she hates Great Britain....read English Pirates...or she simply loves us somewhere down there in that dark heart.
She could of course expand her horizons with a state visit to our friend in Zimbabwe.
You're going to hate me for saying this, if you're a Brit, but I totally agree with her on this one.
And why is "opportunist" used like it was a curse? When we are talking about someone we admire, we say "seizing the opportunity". And every writer on government and the use of power that has ever been, from Sun Tzu through Macchiavelli to von Clausewitz, has talked about the crucial importance of timing. So all you're really accusing her of is having a good sense of timing.
Could Cortez have conquered the Aztecs if they hadn't been exhausted by two decades of civil war? Timing.
Could the Spanish have overcome the Inca if the Inca empire hadn't just been devastated by repeated epidemics? Timing.
Could Alexander have conquered the Persian Empire if a man like Cyrus the Great had been on the throne, rather than the ineffectual Darius III? Timing.
Yet we lionise these three.
La Presidenta saw an opening, an opportunity to make political capital at the expense of a rival, and she took it. There is, after all, no
better time to kick an enemy than when he's down. Perhaps I'm wrong, and I'm certainly willing to listen if you are willing to articulate your reasons. But with all due respect, I don't see where you have a valid criticism.
The US position on the Crimea is indeed horribly, ridiculously hypocritical. When Kerry stood up and said, "you can't just go around invading countries in violation of international law", I literally laughed out loud. Doh, what about Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Haiti
THREE TIMES in the 20th century and once already in the 21st, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, let's see, did I miss any?
And we have vetoed dozens of UNCSC resolutions condemning the Zionist Occupation State, which has violated every international law on the books, including the use of chemical weapons.
I'm a US citizen, this is my own country I'm talking about here. But we suck in this context. We're the most warlike nation on the planet. If you have time and interest, go read George Washington's farewell letter to the American people, and you will see that our foreign policy since the 1890's has been a direct violation of everything he said.
Gringoboy, I do agree with a lot of the things you have said in these forums. I admire your integrity and the overall consistency of your opinions. But I do believe you're mistaken on this one.