From1992 - 1996 and from 1999 - 2001 I was stationed in Key West, FL first as the Supply Officer at the Coast Guard Base there and the as the Supply Officer onboard the Coast Guard Cutter MOHAWK.
In the summer of 1994 we began to see an alarming increase in the number of Cubans fleeing Cuba on anything that could float and some things that didn't float. In the period of July to August 1994 the numbers went from 100 a week to 500 a day until finally over 30,000 Cuban Migrants were actually rescued and sadly returned to Cuba where they sat at the US Naval Base in Guantanemo until eventually they were all flown into the US. Who knows how many thousands died; if they got stuck in the Gulf Stream they would probably perish before they were rescued.
On my first patrol on MOHAWK we set the stage for our primary operations of Alien Migrant Interdiction Operations; intercepting and repatriating back to The Cuban Govenrment where they were placed in jail. The main complaint of the people we interdicted was a critical lack of food...anyone over the age of 7 was prohibited to drink milk or eat meat. Punishment again was jail.
Conditions must have been really great for groups of 10 - 30 people to decide to risk their lives to try to cross 90+ miles of treacherous waters in a bid for freedom. One group we intercepted and had to repatriate was an entire medical clinic - doctors, nurses, and their families. Several,of them looked as if they would commit suicide instead of being made to go back to Cuba.
I conducted the initial interviews with the Cubans as we brought them aboard our cutter so I know first hand the literal hell they had gone through in the time I was on the cutter. Castro was a bad man; sure he did some good for "his" people but the bad far outweighs the good.
Oh and about the US Government? Yes they do not have clean hands; nor does Argentina; or say Colombia with the late 1940-1950s la violencia....