Finding Interesting Items For Sale On Mercado Libre

Here's one that I bought about a month ago (to use in a small room) for $700:


And here's a link to the items the seller currently has listed for sale: http://listado.merca...CustId_25037620

If anyone finds anything of interest I suggest they contact the seller directly and mention that they got the contact information from "ARGENTINEART" (my ML username). The "bodega" is located in San Martin.
  • Silvina Prado
  • 011 1530453500
Here''s a list that was generated in a ML search for "arana bronce dragones" http://listado.merca...G_OrderId_PRICE

And it included this one for $3300 with alabaster tulips in good condition:


If I was in the market for just one of these with alabaster tulips, this is the one I would seriously consider buying (but would first offer less than the asking price). The floron (metal plate where the lamp is connect to the ceiling) isn't the style that should have come with the lamp, but the tulipas are nice and the "portalamparas" (ceramic light sockets) are new.
This one was just listed for $1700 (with alabaster tulipas) and it's in Almagro. The seller doesn't ship so I'm not in a position to buy it...otherwise I would. It's somewhat smaller (and much less "impressive") than the other lamps with dragons in my previous posts. Lamps like this with five or six tulipas in good condition that are priced below $2000 usually sell quickly (and for the asking price).

This is not a particularly interesting item, but I thought it was funny: I did a search for IKEA on Mercado Libre, and several items came up. One was the Poäng chair, which is a very basic arm chair that I think every other Scandinavian home had back in the 80s and 90s; mine definitely did. It is a best-seller and really quite comfy. However, they are trying to sell it for 2800 pesos, while it costs 70 dollars in the US, and similar in Europe... No matter if we are looking at the official or the blue, that is a serious rip-off! Wonder if they will have any luck.
And if you don't have enough space for the entire horse, you can still get ahead (for $450): :D

This would also be useful (if not mandatory in France) if you want to open a butcher shop or a restaurant that offers horse meat. :eek:

Truly, do you know if this kind of horse head actually was for a horsemeat butcher shop? We have one -- very large, and of copper, and the guesses about origin have been legion. Would really like to know, if anyone can shed light.
Truly, do you know if this kind of horse head actually was for a horsemeat butcher shop? We have one -- very large, and of copper, and the guesses about origin have been legion. Would really like to know, if anyone can shed light.

That would be the most probable explanation, at the same time they were placed outside, so copper (unless varnished) would not have been the best material.
Does anyone know what made this exact style of wall sconce famous (where they were used)?

That's cheap!

For those who had a Commodore 64
