Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

5 us. it used to be 10. you can now buy animal catenia for 10 us. it drinks like 50 us. catenia botega is a “you cant miss”botega. those prices are un real. the reserva is not much more. i pay 9.00 in the US. i do have a pallet for wine. i love pinon noirs from california. cabernets are way over rated.the year does not matter to me. pinos are meant to drink immediately as are malbecs. if you buy it and disagree i will pay for your bottle. they also have great chardenays. animal comes up again
5 us. it used to be 10. you can now buy animal catenia for 10 us. it drinks like 50 us. catenia botega is a “you cant miss”botega. those prices are un real. the reserva is not much more. i pay 9.00 in the US. i do have a pallet for wine. i love pinon noirs from california. cabernets are way over rated.the year does not matter to me. pinos are meant to drink immediately as are malbecs. if you buy it and disagree i will pay for your bottle. they also have great chardenays. animal comes up again
If you’re not snobbish about wine in cartons, or don’t want to have to deal with the bottles, I recommend this: for currently 18,000 Pesos. There’s also a Chardonnay, and they do a 2 in 1 red wine carton as well. It’s not cheap, and certainly not pretentious, but it’s a perfectly good house wine.
Vegetable prices must be very different in the city to those in the provinces, I was shocked to see round tomatoes at 4000 Pesos/kg and pear tomatoes at 4500. My jaw would have fallen on the ground if I'd seen 7500 Pesos/kg 😲 I didn't note the prices of other veggies, but I can check next time I pass by.

Eating out is cheaper out here as well, we had nice sunny weather yesterday around lunchtime, so we went to a place in our village, spent 30,000 Pesos on bife de chorizo (400g, 9,000 Pesos), half a Pacu (11,000 Pesos), a large salad, a large glass of house white wine and a jug of lemonade. At a mid-range place in the city you'll pay 20,000 for the bife, and around 25000 for the fish.
You would love it here in Neuquen, local veduleria charged me 9500 kg for celery. I had to blink a couple times on that one.
Howdy Carride,

I don't know much about cattle but my suegro lives in a small village in San Luis. He has a degree in bovine agriculture and raised them for years. He explained to me that the local cows there graze for food which I suppose you could say is grass fed. They walk a lot though grazing, this renders the mean leaner and the muscles harder, which he doesn't like. Once a week the butcher has a truck stop by with meat destined for Buenos Aires from feed lot cows. They move less and the meat is more tender/fattier. He prefers buying that meat and pays more for it. The butcher calls him by phone when the truck comes in and he tells the butcher to reserve the cuts he wants.

Rural cows can mean different quality depending on where they are from and I suppose what they are finished with as you mentioned. I've heard the best cows are from Missiones, where the climate lends to greener pastures and fatter cows which sounds more like the "grass fed" you're looking for.
Thanks LL. I am not looking for a particular type of beef, just trying to be an educated consumer. That is interesting to hear that the beef available to buy could be regional. Most stats I read show the half of beef cows are from Buenos Aires province, which is what I expect seeing all that grass and cows when driving around those rural areas. Could be that other provinces have some niche or advantage they are known for.
on the brink said:
What's the use of comparing food prices in Argentina with prices in Australia or the US? Can anyone get home delivery from grocery stores in those countries?
Since you asked, yes. It's pretty common now in the US if you live in a city.
Do you mean, US and Australia stores deliver their groceries IN ARGENTINA? ;-))
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Toto Caputo Min. of Economy claims he will have a $1100 peso per dollar in December , figure out the prices of wines in December 2024, with a possible inflation rate of 40%....
When I lived in Fox Lake, Illinois, I needed a car to get to a grocery store to buy food. I live "car-free" in Buenos Aires where everything is a convenient walk in Balvanera

Every Monday my order of organic and agro-ecological fruit and vegetables from El Brote Tienda is delivered to my door (delivery charge is 3000). Eating well is my top priority. I can't remember the last time I ate at a restaurant. I just don't because I want to know what is on my plate.
You would love it here in Neuquen, local veduleria charged me 9500 kg for celery. I had to blink a couple times on that one.
Some prices from our veggie stall ("La Curva" near Lion Place Cardales):

3kg oranges 2000
3 "maples" of eggs 11000
Acelga 1000
Broccoli 1000

They have celery too, but I didn't see the price for that as I drove past.
The most expensive monthly budget item in BsAs has tripled as a minimum. If not quadrupled or quintupled in $US.

N.B. I'm not referring to rent or food or drink items.