Iran ( Persia) Nuclear War Possible

cabrera said:
esllou said:
hey, still counting earthquakes this year???? You know, those CIA-induced earthquakes...

Yes its so funny that close to half a million people have died from earthquakes in 2010 and hundreds of millions are displaced by natural disasters. Yes yes you are so funny:rolleyes:

oh, so you finally accept they are natural disasters. You took your time.
Napoleon said:
You do remember that Israel didn't start that war? Don't you? They just finished it.
Happy Day of Atonement!

Oh, well, I wasn't around to remember, but I'm not likely to forget ;)
It's just basic history: you get attacked, fight back, win some and then ponder on the losses.

G'mar Chatima Tova!
cabrera said:
esllou said:
hey, still counting earthquakes this year???? You know, those CIA-induced earthquakes...

Yes its so funny that close to half a million people have died from earthquakes in 2010 and hundreds of millions are displaced by natural disasters. Yes yes you are so funny:rolleyes:
And exactly how many of those countries affected were recipients of AID and assistance from Argentina?
12.5 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cabrera said:
You are a bunch of f...... hypocrites . Dictators the f....... lot of you like TANGOBASTARD and DAMNATION .

You talk about Argentina and freedom and all the crap that spouts out of your a..... but you cannot tolerate my opinion for crying out loud.

You guys are piss weak pussies;)
Gee thanks. If I were a "pussy" I would be warm and wet and a friend of Steves. And charge him frequently for the friendship.
tangobob said:
Just a couple of points (OK three)
If we are faced with a nuclear desert, who exactly will we be able to trade gold and silver with?
If you believe all this buy water and food.

Have we not heard before about WMDs owned by rouge nations? Dangerous talk indeed.

Oh and it's The divine right of kings not the right of divine Kings, sorry to be picky, but it means then something completely different.

hey bob - i never said anything about a nuclear war. let's hope it never gets to that point. my point was that instability, one of them being war, are good for gold/silver since everyone looks for safe stores of wealth.

also i never said that iran had WMDs. i'm not worried about iran as i don't believe them to be a credible threat. what i am worried about is a trigger happy israel starting what could lead to ww3. and................a situation where nukes could be used as part of the "all options being on the table".

oh and yes i knew it was the divine right of kings. i get a bit dyslexic sometimes. ;)
jp said:
Not true. A hypocrite is someone whose actions betray their stated beliefs.

So (just as an example) someone who claims to hate racism, but manages to be obnoxiously racist towards the USA at every opportunity would be a hypocrite.

Equally, someone who takes a theatrically pious stance against "western imperialism", but still thinks that the 200 year old indigenous population of the Falklands should be ethnically cleansed from the islands and subjugated by Argentina ... well, they would be a hypocrite as well.

Brilliant jp.
In the initial statement somebody mentioned plans to attack Iran by Israel. However, read the papers and you will find out that it was the Iranian goverment who FIRST threatened to destroy the sovereign State of Israel.
And this was because it is an Fundamentalist Islamic state. Israel had excelent relationships with the Shah of Iran, when he was in power. So this means that there is no really any strategic or geopolitics differences between the two countries: yesterday they were friends and allies, today they they enemies just because somebody decided to be so.
HenryNisental said:
In the initial statement somebody mentioned plans to attack Iran by Israel. However, read the papers and you will find out that it was the Iranian goverment who FIRST threatened to destroy the sovereign State of Israel.

And this was because it is an Fundamentalist Islamic state. Israel had excelent relationships with the Shah of Iran, when he was in power. So this means that there is no really any strategic or geopolitics differences between the two countries: yesterday they were friends and allies, today they they enemies just because somebody decided to be so.
Jews also used to live in Iran (and had lived in Persia for thousands of years) up until a little before the Shah fell and the Jews started running for their lives.

Also, those "trigger happy Israelis" manage to receive rockets shot into their neighborhoods several times a day for months on end before they finally respond with what many observe as "an unprovoked attack".

The Israelis are no angels, but if they were really trigger happy, the Northern part of the Mediterranean would extend from Spain to Iraq.