just another lovestruck foreigner

Isn't there a whole club called American-women-who-married-and-have-children-with-Argentinians that meets in Palermo? I have a friend who applied for a nanny job with a group of them, all ex-pat (mostly US) American woman with their fairly well-to-do and up local hubbies. As I remember it was for a group nanny situation, and they offered here 11 pesos an hour... for about 8 kids... I suppose that's another topic. :rolleyes:

As for women meeting locals, I used to think that was the only way it went! ha! I'm guilty of one two year relationship which has now ended (for the best!), happy here but was super ready to head to a new destination, maybe learn a new language, and then came along #2... *sigh.* I clearly have a weakness. Plus it doesn't help that I get little, mini-panic attacks when I think about leaving BA... Convenient, no? Or just silly? I can't decide.

Wow, complete hijacking of thread there...

To OP: have you checked Linked-In? Might sound silly, and I never use it myself but I do get a monthly digest of "Jobs for you in Argentina" since BA is listed as my location. There's always lots of stuff on there, but not sure about the quality... might be worth checking either way. And let me know if anything good pops up!
tez said:
Isn't there a whole club called American-women-who-married-and-have-children-with-Argentinians that meets in Palermo? I have a friend who applied for a nanny job with a group of them, all ex-pat (mostly US) American woman with their fairly well-to-do and up local hubbies. As I remember it was for a group nanny situation, and they offered here 11 pesos an hour... for about 8 kids... I suppose that's another topic. :rolleyes:

Yikes, that's shameful. I would hope it was 11 pesos per hour per child? ie 88 pesos per hour -- although frankly 8:1 is a ridiculous ratio no matter what the pay.

I do remember hearing something about a club like this from another friend of mine -- also a woman, also married to a foreigner (l also know more foreign women than men that have stayed because of relationships, myself included). I wish I could remember what the club was called -- it wasn't American Women Married to... though from my friend's opinion of it I think it could be called "Foreign women complaining about life in Argentina and how they're trapped here and nothing is ever as good as their home countries" -- though it probably sounds a bit more snappy than that ;D
tez said:
Wow, complete hijacking of thread there...

To OP: have you checked Linked-In? Might sound silly, and I never use it myself but I do get a monthly digest of "Jobs for you in Argentina" since BA is listed as my location. There's always lots of stuff on there, but not sure about the quality... might be worth checking either way. And let me know if anything good pops up!

Total hijacking!! But I'm enjoying it nonetheless :)

I'll definitely stay tuned to LinkedIn, Craigslist, ZonaJobs, and Bumeran. However, I'm thinking that having a reference within the company is even more important here than in the states. Keeping my fingers crossed!