starlucia said:
She's a portena. There are lots of Goldfarbs and Goldsteins and Feinsteins and Cohens running around this city.
-Oy Caramba!!
When my ex set up an appointment for me with Dr. Finklestein, because she wasn't a big fan of her other doctor (Dr. Katz), I chuckled at the similarities of the parallel universes.
jazrgz said:
She is in fact argentinian and in fact there´s nothing unusual about her name for an argentine.
Zully is a relatively normal name for a girl and her last name as you may have already learnt while in here is not odd at all either, not the last name per se but the fact that is not italian or spanish.
just my 2 cents
"Zully"??? "ZULLY"???? "Zully" is a "relatively normal name for a girl"? Where?!? And in what century?
"Maria" is a common name for a girl. "Florencia" (and "Flor", "Floppy", "Flopy") is a common name for a girl. "Laura"/"Lau", "Maria Jose"/"Majo", "Mercedes"/"Mer", "Veronica"/"Vero", "Agustina"/"Agus", "Ana"/"Anita", "Carla"/"Carolina"/"Cristina"/"Catarina", and "Cecilia"/"Ceci" are all common names for girls.
But "ZULLY" isn't even close to being a "common" name.
syngirl said:
lol if anything Goldfarb is a very common name here --
I was just looking for a dr.... these are all Argentines but I guess according to some their names aren't??
Dr Schachman
Dr Falke
Dr Goldfarb
Dr Cohen
Dr Guzman
I know there's an abundance of Italian/Spanish names here, but as in any other nation there's a lot of names that don't "sound" like they belong.
I'm familiar with the immigration patterns of this country and this city in particular. I spout them out 2 to 5 times a week.
But "Zully" before a name like "Goldfarb" rather than "Elisa", "Daniela", "Eugenia"/"Euge", "Fabiana"/"Fabi", "Estefania"/"Stef...", "Gabriela"/"Gabi", "Justina", "Julia", or "Paula"/"Pau"...
No... no me jodas.