The fact is - we've all, who've been on this forum for quite some time, who have lived here and tried to make a life here (as opposed to coming down to have fun, with the future as a side issue), have seen a number of people become quite disillusioned with Argentina after living here for awhile (usually more than a year, when the possibilities of laying down some kind of roots, no matter if not completely long term, start to solidify. In some cases it takes longer, some shorter). We've watched a number of people go from how perfect this place is, how can you just criticize all the time, to yeah, jeez, is this for me? Myself included.
It's not because we can't get the things we're used to. It's not because ALL of the locals are meanies (they're not). It's not because we're homesick.
All of those play into it, sure. Nothing in this world is black and white. It's certainly not black and white that everyone who comes here will hate it or love it here.
I have watched over the the last 6 year, those who come here, maybe have been here before for a couple of months, not having had to deal with the long-term fickleness of their new lover yet. Feeling great about the place and spreading that feeling to others (which I am NOT scorning or criticizing), scorning advice from those who have lived here (yeah, I'm criticizing the criticism of the criticism
), as if it's not possible that this fresh-skinned young siren could have any defects worth mentioning. Deriding instead, those who have been jilted by her as used up and worn out husks, bitter because obviously they did not prove to be worthy of the love the city has to give.
But that's OK - new blood is needed to keep the old, poor hag looking young, the magic needed to keep up her veneer of beauty to attract new people to her lair.
As I've said (and others, I know, have said as well), if you are here for a short time, come and party. Definitely try it out. Just be aware of the siren's song - it's painfully hard to ignore, I know. But it's a lot easier to break away from than it was for Odysseus and his men.
If you're planning to move here and make a life here - listen to what the "old-timers" have to say. Don't be like a teenager who is sure that he or she need not listen to the advice of old fogies in how to prepare for life, because as everyone knows, adolescents already know everything. And old fogies shouldn't make the mistake they make - the youngsters aren't completely stupid either. Nothing's absolute and everyone ends up taking their own path. (I'm using the comparison of stages of life based on time in country, not actual age. Please someone, don't accuse me of calling you a teenager for real
Anyway, I'm not that old, but I have had to deal with raising 4 teenagers [not to mention having been one, as we all have], and I've lived here and gone through the stages I've seen many others go through - so I know a little something about the experience and can make what I feel to be an honest comparison).
This forum, I believe, is here for more than just telling people where the best nightclub is, where you can find stuff you like, who gives the best tours. It's also, to some extent, a mutual support network to help deal with living in a place that's not all that open and accepting over the long term without a bit of knowledge to go with it. It's certainly not easy to be comfortable unless you have a lot of money (or you have very low expectations/desires for your future) and even then, that ease is relative to other places where it doesn't take as much money to live the same lifestyle. Which requires evaluation of cost/benefit to those who would be closest to happiness in their life, I think.
Those who believe that wealth and choice and opportunity (and the irritating things, absolutely for sure, that come with it) is a bad thing - look no further, this is the perfect spot for you. You can have a much more simple life, more or less forced on you by at least availability (if not opportunity and a surging authoritarian government which may or may not last), not necessarily by choice.
The rest of us will continue evaluating it for its various facets and try to figure out what the true image is like through discussion, theorizing and data gathering and continue to make a rational decision on whether or not the pros outweigh the cons - it's a close thing for many of us.