Kiwi raised, London bred and looking for work in Buenos Aires!

BASailor said:
Who needs international food?
Friendly people is everywhere, if you know how to meet friendly people.
Reasonable priced electronic garbage which you discard as soon as you get bored? Pay for it.
Bars with atmosphere, BA has a lot, unless you only like the atmosphere of your own city...
Equal rights for women? You must be kidding boy. Women are even more reespected here than in many countries.

You probably drink a lot and you can't think properly. I'm just using the way people use here in the forum (not friendly at all with all the rest).

You obviously haven't seen how women are treated here. Not just being groped on the Subte but MUCH lower wages. Plus I won't mentions all the other crap here.
I've been here for a year and I'm heading back to Auckland next month. Lots of negative responses on here, which is a real pity. I've had a fantastic year...the only true negative (for me) has been the landlords (stories almost too crazy/unfair to believe). Overall, its been great and totally different from NZ. Not sure if you are in Buenos Aires yet, but if you'd like to meet for a coffee or beer I'm happy to share any information I have on BA :)
Montauk_Project said:
It seemed like no one answered your question. I must say first I love Buenos Aires, been here for 10 years, but it is not an easy place to live. You might want to try a smaller city like Mendoza or Cordoba, you are much closer to amazing nature but still have cultural options. Mendoza has a lot of expats.
Will you be able to support yourself in Buenos Aires living a lifestyle you find appealing? (shared apartment or one room in a nice area, going out to eat, taking a taxi, traveling a bit). It is hard to find a salaried job that will give you this, especially if you are new to BsAs. Most people who make it here either:
1) have a job that they telecomute to in their home country or are freelancers. For examples, personal coaches, website designers, etc
2) The start a business here (not easy), usually in the tech sector or hospitality center (closed door restaurant, for example) or with a nitch expat market. For example, giving high end hair cuts to expats in their apartment.
I would suggest saving up as much money as you can AND if you can, some sort of work you can do long distance. Spend the first 3 months taking language lessons and emersing yourself in Spanish, even if it means you are lonely because you don´t hang out with expats. After three months, start to look for work, but keep in mind that you will probably not earn more than 30% to 50% of what you need, unless you really hustle. yes, you can teach English but your accent isn´t that desired and it is hard to get enough hours, especially if you have no experience--I HATED teaching English, not that easy really.

Can we start a club (or a thread) for people who actually still enjoy living here? After 17 years of visiting, I made the permanent move 3 years ago. Disappointed? Ni en pedo! I've had more fun and made better and much more varied friends than the last 10 years in London. Why does no one post about all the great (and generally free) stuff? I know a hell of a lot of people who have overcome the day to day problems because the overall picture is so much more attractive than where they came from (London in my case).