"Leaving America"

Imagine a thread like this all about the UK, England, Britain, Great Britain and the British Isles (throw Eire, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and Ulster in there for good measure!) :)

actually, it's painful just imagining it!
This seems like a futile debate: to each their thing! If nationals from the Us like to call themselves Americans, it is their right to call themselves whatever they want, and if people from other countries like to call them something different it is their right too. Words do not necessarily have one meaning.

I have heard many expats refer to themselves as " norteamericano " or " estadounidense " while speaking in Spanish, probably because it is the right translation of the English adjective American.

American is not the same as Americano, in Spanish it is translated as Norteamericano.

PS: It all started with the British calling the people in the US " Americans " lol
Hola Ariel,
I just moved here to BA from Los Angeles. Id be interested in learning for about your film. I decided I needed a change from the craziness of LA and ended up here in BA to live after traveling south America for 4 months.
i can be reached at [email protected]
look forward to meeting you.
steveinbsas said:
What are you going to do if and when a "Progressive President" issues an executive order (in the name of an emergency following the turmoil you expect) that makes it illegal for US citizens to own gold?

And if you are really a BAexpat (actually living in Argentina) how are you going to convert your stocks into physical gold when you really need it (when no one will accept paper money)?

What prompts your speculation on the issuance of such an emergency order banning the ourtright ownership of gold? Is such an order within the realm of realistic possibility? Would it be limited to US citizens within the jurisdiction of the US or US citizens throughout the world? Would the order embrace jewelry, too? Gold of af any karat, or just 18k and above? What about gold teeth? Of course, those questions would be academic for me as I do not own gold, I own mining stocks in companies around the world. What's the point, Stevie?

Moreover, does it matter if I am really a BA expat really and actually living in BA when it comes to liquidating my gold stocks? A phone call or email to my real and actual broker should work. Are you suggesting that in addition to an outright ban on ownership of gold in the US or by US residents, all paper money will also become worthless? Frankly, Steve, I can't figure out what the hell you are thinking, if you are thinking and not simply throwing a temper tantrum because you hold me in contempt for exposing your childish mental meanderings.
Sounds like a cool movie!..but hope you don't turn into a USA basher, it's a great country built by immigrants too.

Agree with "Leaving the USA" as opposed to "Leaving America". It's not just Argentines that argue this, but folk in just about every country in South America complain against this. They often improeprly perceive this as imperialist or superior thinking. Why deal with mis-perception when you can easily use "friendly" wording". Saludos..
This is another attempt from a neo-fascist goverment to prevent people from securing his/her wealth. Goverments hate people that saves in gold, silver,etc; since they cannot corrupt its value.
I would reccomend to all my friends to keep their gold in whaterver form, let the goverments solve their own follies.
hola ariel!

i am moving to bsas in jan/feb with my roommate. we're atypical in that we're both in our early 30's but still moving abroad to study. (of all things textile design and sewing) let me know if we can help!
I'm in my early 30's, originally from US, have been here for 9 months teaching English. I am interested in participating in your project. Let me know if I can help.
journeyjane said:
hola ariel!

i am moving to bsas in jan/feb with my roommate. we're atypical in that we're both in our early 30's but still moving abroad to study. (of all things textile design and sewing) let me know if we can help!

oH. exciting. Welcome!
Where are you studying textile design & sewing?
steveinbsas said:
Just about everyone in the world calls the USA AMERICA (including those who refer to America as the Great Satan). Argentines only make this argument for the sake of being argumentative. I've never heard an Argetine say, "I'm an American, too" unless they have been granted citizenship in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

If the topic was leaving the Western Hemisphere and included stories of people leaving from various countries on this side of the earth, then I would be all for a title like "Leaving the Americas" but since it isn't, I think the title is appropriate.

I agree...leave the name as is.

I've been down here for a year and a half and whenever an Argentine asks me where I'm from, i always respond with a "soy de Los Estados Unidos." You know what they're response is to me EVERY time...."ahhh....sos Americano!!" I'm sure if I was Mexican or Colombian, they would say..."ahhhh...sos Mexicano" o "sos Colombiano," not "sos Americano." So I think the name is fitting.

And I guarantee you an Argentine says he's Argentine way before he says he's American. I think those Argentines offended by calling people from the US Americans are just using it as another reason to bitch/moan/wine/complain about something (which a lot of them are very good at.)

If you need help with your production, I'll be more than happy to help out. I came down here not speaking Spanish very well (didn't know a lick of Castellano) but through classes and studying my ash off, I'm getting along great in the community and have no issues communicating (well, ok, every now and then i have an issue...:)

Good luck!