this always end up as a pissing contest north vs south compare LA to BA is or should be kept in perspective. If the numbers are double then keep in mind population in LA is more than likely double or more as well. LA is suffering due to alot of reasons as it has been hit from several angles, one, the realestate bubble burst, the Fed and previous rule deregulating banks and allowing inlearned people to borrow more than they can afford,secondly, SAG strikes taught producers how easy it is too film elsewhere,as is happening here as well,but thats another discussion. Anyway the last i heard LA unemployment number was a real 19% and thats the largest in the US and staggering.So as for the timely critism for not helping it unfortunate at this juncture is
a bit like punching a child. You cant help others if first you need to help yourself!!
Am i suprized about the attept to compare BA to LA, well no. Argentina has a love/hate relationship with us,cant wait to try and one up and first to talk shit but first to buy anything that says USA ie...iphones,Nike, mcDonalds etc...But thats fairly common throughout the world.
a bit like punching a child. You cant help others if first you need to help yourself!!
Am i suprized about the attept to compare BA to LA, well no. Argentina has a love/hate relationship with us,cant wait to try and one up and first to talk shit but first to buy anything that says USA ie...iphones,Nike, mcDonalds etc...But thats fairly common throughout the world.