Manning Sentenced To 35 Years In The Slammer Fair....!!

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Chelsea Manning She's OK... :cool:

Ah, so you're a transgender-phobe. What's your fear? What makes you think she couldn't 'back you up in a tough situation'?Transgender people are totally normal and more common than you may realise. The problem here is your attitude, not Chelsea Manning.
You must be kidding. "phobe" WTF. Get life!
You must be kidding. "phobe" WTF. Get life!

Definition from Oxford Dictionary:

Transphobia: "noun [mass noun] intense dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people."

The Harvard University Queer Students and Allies

Transgender Resources

Answers To Your Questions: The American Psychological Association: What kinds of discrimination do transgender people face?

Anti-discrimination laws in most U.S. cities and states do not protect transgender people from discrimination based on gender identity or gender exp<b></b>ression. Consequently, transgender people in most cities and states face discrimination in nearly every aspect of their lives. The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force released a report in 2011 entitled Injustice at Every Turn, which confirmed the pervasive and severe discrimination faced by transgender people. Out of a sample of nearly 6,500 transgender people, the report found that transgender people experience high levels of discrimination in employment, housing, health care, education, legal systems, and even in their families. The report can be found online.

Transgender people may also have additional identities that may affect the types of discrimination they experience. Groups with such additional identities include transgender people of racial, ethnic, or religious minority backgrounds; transgender people of lower socioeconomic statuses; transgender people with disabilities; transgender youth; transgender elderly; and others. Experiencing discrimination may cause significant amounts of psychological stress, often leaving transgender individuals to wonder whether they were discriminated against because of their gender identity or gender exp<b></b>ression, another sociocultural identity, or some combination of all of these.

According to the study, while discrimination is pervasive for the majority of transgender people, the intersection of anti-transgender bias and persistent, structural racism is especially severe. People of color in general fare worse than White transgender people, with African American transgender individuals faring far worse than all other transgender populations examined.

Many transgender people are the targets of hate crimes. They are also the victims of subtle discrimination—which includes everything from glances or glares of disapproval or discomfort to invasive questions about their body parts.

Now, I would be more than happy to have Chelsea Manning cover my back in an armed conflict or any other situation requiring someone to be strong.
She was obviously good enough for the US Army and if that isn't enough, she also took a stance against the US Government, went on trial, AND answered
the looming questions about her gender/sexual identity (which is frankly no one's damn business) all while dealing with the person struggle of being a trans person, yet some people (on this forum, online, and media personalities) have the nerve to make fun of her, or make transphobic remarks.

Let me put it plain and simple for anyone hating on her because she is trans: she could kick your ass.

Now let's just hope this confusion over trans people was due to ignorance, not bigotry. :)
Bradley(Chelsea) Manning and Eric Snowden are true American heroes. I personally do not care one iota what is their gender, sexual orientation, color of their skin or any other nonsensical detail the media choose to obsess over in order to re frame the debate and draw our attention away from the real issues.

What matters is their integrity, the content of their character, their sacrifice and the fact that they dared to make a difference by standing up to a corrupt, bullying police state known as the United States of America.

If anyone fails to see this situation for what it is, then you are simply buying into the mass propaganda that the state is god and anything, including destroying the constitution and outright murder, is justified in order to keep us "safe" from the terrorist boogeymen that could potentially be hiding behind every blade of grass. No amount of government intrusion or control can ever keep you safe.

The war on terror is a clear cut, for profit lie that has been perpetuated for years in order to justify arms production, military build up, resource confiscation and empire expansion around the globe. The US spends over $1 trillion per year on its military, more than all other countries in the world combined. It has military personnel deployed in over 150 countries and over 1000 bases worldwide.

In addition, the US is the largest arms manufacturer and exporter, further perpetuating a culture of war, fear, terror and death around the globe. Is it any wonder that the military industrial complex wasn't going to make an example out of Chelsea Manning? Now if only they can get their hands on Snowden and make an example out of him as well.

John. St.,
Why are you using the "N word" so freely in your text? Do you know how offensive this word is? You can make a lot of interesting points, but if you're using racist language your message is going to fall on deaf ears.

These words are in English but make absolutely no sense to me. "Good old days?"
As far as I can tell, a lot of people in the US, including Afro-Americans, view a large proportion of the remaining 95% of humanity as niggers, whose lives are worthless, to be treated as niggers in the good old days.
Gullible public. He/She?... . Wants to serve out the time in a woman's prison. That's a pretty cowardly move for someone with such great balls.
1) Camberiu - if Americans your age (I'm assuming you are in your 20s) - don't know about the events you posted, I respectfully suggest you need to find some better educated friends. My teenage nieces and nephews could tell you about most of them.

2) Arbound - I'm a bit confused why you think the average person in the US would know about what happened in Argentina in the 70s & early 80s. Typically, you probably are only going into that if you take a specialized class, ie LATAM studies. Otherwise, you're only going to get a brief outline of other countries histories at best. FWIW, I was aware there had been a dictatorship in Arg but I didn't know the details until my LATAM studies class in university. Which yes, did discuss US involvement in the region.

3) Of course there are some barbaric activities committed by military personnel (in all countries). Is is particularly surprising when you take a group of young men, many of whom have never been out of the country and place them in a foreign culture in a high stress combat situation and give them permission to kill? Horrible yes, surprising no. And covering it up only makes it worse. When it happens, the only correct thing to do is admit, take steps to make sure it never happens again and punish those who crossed the line.

4) I will say I have met some complete yahoo assholes who were military but for the most part the people I know who serve (or served) were some of the brightest, talented and most ethical people I know and I have huge amounts of respect for them and what they do. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be calling for their heads on a platter (in my imaginary role as Empress of the Universe;) if I found out they were involved in something like Abu Ghraib.

As for the rest - I find the vitriol of those who claim the US (or any country) really is the epitome of evil to be as trivial and baseless in reality as those who crow that the US (or any country) really is the epitome of perfection.
Hey, citygirl. Go easy with that keyboard! We don't want to inject too much of a balanced perspective too quickly into this thread. This could completely throw the online universe into a tailspin! ;)
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