Mauricio Macri ... Next President Of Argentina

What Ben so eloquently points out is that this government has expertly lied to the country over the years and that anyone with a few brain cells gave up believing what they said years ago.
'No hay cepo!'
'Inflación es una sensacion....' insert inseguridad or other word to fit. etc etc
This high handed and arrogant attitude they have shown to the population at large, for instance, the total lack of press conferences which they were always afraid might expose them.
The disastrous morning press conferences with Capitanich (remember that jerk?) which were more like an Orwellian charade.
The lying of INDEC over poverty, inflation etc
The trouble with lies is that the more often you tell them, the more likely you are to believe them. The problem is that they do believe them.
The intimidation towards anyone who had the brazen cheek to question government policy (remember the estate agent who questioned the cepo?) and instilling fear into people.
Fear breeds fear and the general population, except those that suck up the hand-outs, have been cowed into submission.
And on a more basic and altruistic level; to be treated like a common criminal when your grannie send you socks from Anytown, Texas and you have to sign your life away for $25, drive to some disused aircraft hangar in the middle of nowhere, where some jumped up little hitler treats you like something that got stuck to his shoe and you feel guilty in the end, start cussing your grannie for sending you the damned socks in the first place.
Then, you start hating the country.

That's what this regime has done, Bradly.
This is quite the lively thread! Well, I am married to an Argentinian, and have followed this government for the last 3 years, and this most recent campaign. Initially, I though Scioli was a pleasant guy - someone who looked for the middle ground, someone willing to listen to alternative views, etc. However I've watched Scioli sell his soul in the last few months. First the pact with K's on selecting Zannini - I was horrified, as I've had first hand experience with La Campora and their colleagues - a terrible, and elitist, organization who have infiltrated this government like a plague. But in a way, I understood what he was doing - he needed to make it through the PASO, he needed the core peronist support, and perhaps he thought he could somehow make it through and be his own man. I even felt sorry for him for a time - he had to suffer the friendly fire; he struggled to set his own agenda; he struggled to control his campaign. Let me tell you - nobody, and I mean nobody, believes this campaign of fear. It is so amateurish that it's only made people laugh. You have to think through motivations - why would Macri want to destroy job growth; why would he want to make people's lives worse; why would he want to intentionally destroy the economy, etc. etc. Why? But Scioli and his K supporters couldn't articulate a consistent platform that would appeal to the people - he struggled to articulate what he would change (because of the K control), so the campaign planners decided that rather than tell you what they would do good, they would resort to telling you what the other guy (Macri) would do bad - but even that was to epic proportions. Macri has every reason to want his government and country to succeed - and no reason to want to see it fail. Scioli, I think internally, has every reason to want his government and country to succeed - however he is burdened by a political force that depends on corruption, staying in power, not being prosecuted, ñoqui jobs, etc. - that's their motivation, they just can't tell you that - so instead, they rely on the boogeyman. "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain!!".

But my good feelings for Scioli evaporated when he started to move to ad hominem attacks - a sure sign of desperation, a sure sign that someone has lost their moral compass. I think he will look back on this and regret how he ran that campaign. People want change...that's it plain and simple. Change means someone other than the Kirchnerista's and La Campora...notice I didn't say someone other than Peronists. Scioli is preaching fear.....Macri is preaching hope. The K's want to give you a small allowance from the state, make your life dependent on that (or a ñoqui job), and then scare you into thinking that someone's going to take it all away. Is that what people want - to be dependent on a handout from the state for the rest of their lives, and in exchange look the other way while the K's steal the assets of the country? I think the country deserves better....and I think Macri deserves a chance to give people a better life, one where they can depend on themselves, and their friends, and their family......but not be addicted to state handouts. Maybe he won't succeed.....but I think the country is willing to give him a chance. My prediction - Macri will win, and then the K's and La Campora will initiate a scorched earth policy, working feverishly to make sure that he has the worst opportunity to succeed. Are those the people you want leading your country?
What he means is that Macri us going to rule for corporations not for the people.
He wants a ceo of Monanto at the agriculture office, a ceo of LAN at aerolineas, a ceo of shell at YPF.
Devaluation makes more profits for companies are poorer the whole country.
To open importations is going to destroy 500.000 jobs plus the usd to pay them, do they grow in the trees?

Nothing wrong with XP Executives from the Private Sector that made their way because of Qualifications not Political contacts like Recalde or the Central Bank Directoress , The Daughter OF.

I Applaud naming and Argentino with years Of XP in the airline Business not a Camporista/Recalde a neophyte the SON of ... Nepotism.

The CEO of Monsanto to Agriculture seems Great a Qualified Professional that has years of XP on the Sector. However Casmiquela is qualified..

Energy Sector Better yet to name the CEO of Shell, Aranguren to Energy a Great man from the Energy areas that handled Refining and distribution of energy products for a major corporation, a Professional with degrees , international XP and languages abilities
Nothing wrong with XP Executives from the Private Sector that made their way because of Qualifications not Political contacts like Recalde or the Central Bank Directoress , The Daughter OF.

I Applaud naming and Argentino with years Of XP in the airline Business not a Camporista/Recalde a neophyte the SON of ... Nepotism.

The CEO of Monsanto to Agriculture seems Great a Qualified Professional that has years of XP on the Sector. However Casmiquela is qualified..

Energy Sector Better yet to name the CEO of Shell, Aranguren to Energy a Great man from the Energy areas that handled Refining and distribution of energy products for a major corporation, a Professional with degrees , international XP and languages abilities

My issue is the Monsanto naming, Aerolineas NEEDS someone with some actual knowledge and experience in the field.

Most of the designations under Cris have been due to nepotism and there are a bunch of bobos in office. There's always lots of potential for conflict of interest with these namings, but Cris had a bunch of uneducated cheats working with her, at least these namings on paper are already an improvement. In practice, we shall just have to wait and see.
Nothing wrong with XP Executives from the Private Sector that made their way because of Qualifications not Political contacts like Recalde or the Central Bank Directoress , The Daughter OF.

I Applaud naming and Argentino with years Of XP in the airline Business not a Camporista/Recalde a neophyte the SON of ... Nepotism.

The CEO of Monsanto to Agriculture seems Great a Qualified Professional that has years of XP on the Sector. However Casmiquela is qualified..

Energy Sector Better yet to name the CEO of Shell, Aranguren to Energy a Great man from the Energy areas that handled Refining and distribution of energy products for a major corporation, a Professional with degrees , international XP and languages abilities

You are naive. They are biased. The ceos of the competition companies are going to destroy YPF and aerolineas while Monsanto is going to destroy INTA, the public scientific institut that develops new genetic improvements of soy FOR FREE, without royalties.

On the other hand, the law forbidds this people to be public officers because there are conflic of interest.

What about to propose Putin for the head of CIA, he is very qualified, he already was the head of KGB.

Nice team.

You forgot that this already happend in our history. Videla did the same, the economy got destroyed.
All my Argentinian friends have hope that Macri will win, then I see Bajo playing the fear card like Scioli - clearly he has something to lose. They have nothing to be fearful, they have been living with 30-40 % inflation and a regime that reminded them of communist China with all the controls imposed on them. Getting treated like a criminal for importing some clothes because they didn't want to pay double for poorer quality stuff with materials imported from china anyway.. Its disgusting and it will change. Who in their right mind thinks its ok to try and stop people leaving the country by not letting them buy foreign currencies?? This stupid Government will be gone and good riddance. Hopefully some investigations will open up into the goings on behind closed doors.

I will add that I don't believe any shit politicians say but as long as I don't ever have to see or hear Kirchner yell on TV or Radio and get replaced by one of her puppets I will be happy. I expect the transition to be very rough, Macri will cop the blame for undoing a lot of the bad policies. Kircher has blown the budget, run out of dollars and created a system that supports Government jobs a lot of which shouldn't even exist.