New Years Eve In Argentina

On another note, this year (if I am in BA), i will be armed with my taxi apps for the first time

Easy Taxi and Uber!

Easy taxi has worked in really remote locations of the capital for me. Its amazing! I have yet to try out Uber in BA.

Be careful with Uber, if it's set up like in the US where there are holiday/increased user traffic rate hikes you could end up with a very pricey taxi ride!
Be careful with Uber, if it's set up like in the US where there are holiday/increased user traffic rate hikes you could end up with a very pricey taxi ride!

Here's an example:
I never understand this culture in BA..where they invite you to your hosue and ask you to bring bebidas and other goodies!

At least in Congo, we share whatever we have in our home and not ask the guest to bring things!

Because hosting asados is expensive and many people are on limited budgets bbut still want to see friends and family regularly. And spreading the costs between people ensures no one is unduly burdened. And even at formal dinners, I will always bring a host/ess gift.
I wouldn't think of going to someone's home for dinner without asking if there is anything I can bring and at the least bringing a (good) bottle of wine. Just good manners where I was brought up.

of course as an invitee you bring a gift or flowers or chocolate or wine etc.. but the host should provide the main courses. what the guest brings is an addition.
Perhaps its also a cultural thing.

No harm is going to someone's place with a bottle of wine.

But i dont exactly enjoy it when I am *asked* to bring something, if I am coming!
Don't you guys do Potluck dinners in US? Same thing...nothing rude or exacting about it. On your birthday it's the job of the birthday girl/boy to bring cakes to the office. Culturally worlds apart from my upbringing but lovey just the same. My experience is that Argentineans will share their last crumb of bread with you. It's one of the many great things about Bsas I'm sure you'll enjoy discovering Samra!
Don't you guys do Potluck dinners in US?

Potlucks are done everywhere in the world including Congo

But then the event is called "Guys, this is a Potluck"

Everyone is happy to bring a meal like its done at the bookclub potluck party at Ms Lacky's home. In fact, in a potluck, the freeloaders are a menace!

The subject of discussion was when people invite you casually to their place but then ask you to bring *this and that* unabashedly.
Ceviche, I'm with you a 100%.

Speaking of ceviche, I feel like as bowl of marinated tuna right now