New Years Eve In Argentina

I wouldn't think of going to someone's home for dinner without asking if there is anything I can bring and at the least bringing a (good) bottle of wine. Just good manners where I was brought up.
I concur, it is considered or it never happen' in my culture, that one beeing invited for dinner and show up empty handed !
Even though the hosts tells one, to not bring anything but show your self, at least a bouquet of flower mandatory! But perhaps
a bottle of wine too?
Perhaps its also a cultural thing.

No harm is going to someone's place with a bottle of wine.

But i dont exactly enjoy it when I am *asked* to bring something, if I am coming!
Huh? I have never ever beeing asked to bring something!? If that happens, I will skip going there....
Hybrid ambassador , thank you for the foodie info. I must sound pretty silly and uncultured to you, but in Lebanon they do a "tuna ceviche",, I guess it's like "Chinese food" in the US. Nothing to do with the original but bearing the name !!

As for ceviche-san, I have to admit that both of you have piqued my interest /in a positive way/ and if you are around in January I would love to invite you to a Lebanese dish.. And I won't ask you to bring anything. But what a shame it would be if you didn't !! Hahahaha
For those of you looking for a big NYE Party:

The only thing missing of course is the cost, probably pretty pricey, but it looks to be a big event.