Nisman Dead!

Common sense?

The Argentine govt agencies have the capibility to drop a man onto the roof of one the most heavily protected apartment buildings in Puerto Madero (he had 10 close protection officers under his personal control, and his own firearm), enter detected by man, dog nor security camera, kill a man in his bathroom positioning the body to block the door, requiring a locksmith to open the door from the outside as it was locked internally?

It's not within the realms of possibility that either he didn't have the proof and crumpled under the stress of his upcoming public shaming or more plausibly he had just discovered that the proof he had was fabricated and handed to him by a disgruntled ex SIDE agent. Perhaps another source confirmed this and he realised he just went full frontal with fabricated evidence. End of career, public embarassment.

To me both of those are plausible, as is a highly competent govt or Iranian assasination. It's just that highly competent, impeccably executed (poor choice of word) govt operations don't see to fall within my defiinition of common sense.

All possibilities and motives exist, churlish to rule anything out based on what you've heard or read.
...and now I'm speculating too. Internet 1 - Magico 0. Bah.
dude,the officers protecting him,are police officers,they gte their roders from the state
Do I believe the govt are capable of pulling off such a stealthy operation? Not sure.

If the US govt. is not above partnering with the 'private sector', surely the govt. here isn't either.

And that's assuming the main brain here is the local govt.
Nisman looked pretty unstable on Dos Voces the other night. He was blinking like mad, not maintaining eye contact with the host and was red in the face.
Too early to know much of anything. The big question ? Was the gun registered to Nisman ? Fingerprints other than Nisman's ? His personal life outside of his professional life ? Lots of questions.
Even if forensics conclusively prove that he was alone in the apartment, and pulled the trigger with nobody else present, it's impossible to know why he did it. He had a family, people he cared about, people he may have chosen to protect with his life. He could have been pressured into killing himself. Its a lot easier to pressure someone into killing themselves than staging an immaculate hollywood style covert assassination and coverup. Especially when they have a registered, loaded handgun in their apartment.
He was unbalanced. You don't ask for criminal interrogation the current President with such high profile because, guess what, she has inmunity, the president cannot be interrogated and, even the facts were true, it is a political decision out of judgment by Courts (Madbury vsus Madison).
The conference he wanted to do at the Congress was a crime (criminal investigations are secret, to disclosure it is a federal crime). The whole thing was hilarious for me before his death.
Just would like to point out that if someone he loved was being held captive or threatened to be killed, then that could have also been a strong motivator for suicide. If it was a suicide.
He was unbalanced. You don't ask for criminal interrogation the current President with such high profile because, guess what, she has inmunity, the president cannot be interrogated and, even the facts were true, it is a political decision out of judgment by Courts (Madbury vsus Madison).
The conference he wanted to do at the Congress was a crime (criminal investigations are secret, to disclosure it is a federal crime). The whole thing was hilarious for me before his death.