Nisman Dead!

For those who think, no matter how he died, that this government had NOTHING to do with it, well I hope Santa Claus and the 3 wise men brought you nice gifts! And soon the Easter bunny will be hopping to leave you also something if the tooth fairy doesnn't beat him to it! Sweet dreaming .... but one day you will wake up!

Fairly snide thing to say about someone with a different opinion.

Believe me, i don't need a fcking easter bunny or any amatuer journo's to form my own opinions.

A lot of confimation bias flooding the pages here. Your welcome to it, if that's the extent of your reasoning.
For those who think, no matter how he died, that this government had NOTHING to do with it, well I hope Santa Claus and the 3 wise men brought you nice gifts! And soon the Easter bunny will be hopping to leave you also something if the tooth fairy doesnn't beat him to it! Sweet dreaming .... but one day you will wake up!

The only one who loose with this death is the government.
A public hearing of Nisman at the Congress was going to be a big triumph for the government because prosecutors have inmunity unless they are caught in fraganti, Nisman was going to leave the Congress handcuffed (to disclosure a criminal investigation is a crime plus illegal phone tapping -over 300 cds- too).
There is a war going on inside the intellegence agency (they had their own agenda and they were working against the government: traitors) Nisman bought rotten fish and he finished dead.
The President released the secret on the secret agents who were involved on the illegal phone tapping because they were who used Nisman and, perhaps, who killed him if he was killed.
The only one who loose with this death is the government.
A public hearing of Nisman at the Congress was going to be a big triumph fir the government because prosecutors have inmunity unless they are caught in fraganti, Nisman was going to leave the Congress handcuffed (to disclosurr a criminal investigation is a crime pluss illegal phone tapping too).
There is a war going on in side the intellegence agency, Nisman bought rotten fish and he finished dead.
The President released the secret on the secret agents who were involved on the illegal phone tapping because they were who used Nisman and, perhaps, who killed him if he was killed.

Backing these murderers makes you tacitly complicit in their crimes.
He seems very off in his interview on "A Dos Voces", indeed...
When he was dead, neither of the 10 federal police were deployed. So no security around the building. That could be a problem, can easily done by an inside job.
Come on people, there's no other plausible explanation except that the govt. got to him one way or another. This is standard practice for all criminal mafia governments. It just doesn't add up. The timing is too convenient, just like the timing of the fire that destroyed the central bank archives, which prevented further scrutiny:

I watched part of the youtube video and Nisman seemed very coherent, in control and most importantly, very self assured. He seemed to totally believe what he was saying. His blinking continuously or facial ticks could be just that.

I have taught adults for 35 years and I can assure you that you can easily loose composure based on who your audience is. Sometimes there's a special chemistry with the audience, and you shine. Sometimes that chemistry is missing, and you come out like a poor presenter, even though the message can be the same. Furthermore, when you are interviewed on TV, often times they are very powerful lights shinning down on you, making you kind of blind, putting on a lot of heat on you. It can be very, very uncomfortable. Plus, the interviewer's questions can sometimes confuse you. It's tough to think on your feet with lights blasting at you. I know from experience.

My grain of salt is that, if he did commit suicide, it was because of the intense pressure he was under. How dare someone like Conti say they were going to come after him with "tapones de punta". If you play soccer, that's a red card and a malicious premeditated thought. In sports terms, she wanted to hurt him badly. No one with that type of mentality should be allowed to play soccer, and no one who thinks that way should be in Congress.

One more un-resolved crime in Argentina. Unbelievable. Maybe whoever said "people deserve their leaders" was right.