Dear dr__dawggy,
Lest put this straight, first I don't hate as you put it, the US itself or any Yankee folk by the way, what I don't like is HYPOCRISY and the successive administrations in US government which produced and still producing so much misery and pain around the globe prove it, but more precisely the pain and misery that they produced in this part of the world, supporting military juntas and terrible dictators invading countries with democratically elected governments because they were not aliened ideologically to them THAT'S what I hate, the hypocrisy to say we are the best, the more compassionate and rightful people on earth a thing which obviously they are not, that sense of vacuous, sterile and empty righteousness proclaiming to the world we are good guys, we are better than God...that is what I hate, do you understand?
When Bush was here in 2005 for the ALCA agreement which was a fiasco, thanks God, Kirchner explained to Bush that what was necessary in the region is a Marshall Plan, Bush jumped from his chair (bit of emphasis here) and said No!, No that's a crazy Democrats idea, the better and prosperous times for the US was when a war was running amok somewhere in the world and we were involved in for the Bush administration and I'm sure for any administration who did and will run the country in the future that will be the goal to follow, doesn't matter who are in power be the Democrats, Republicans or whoever WAR was and still the best business to pop up and keep healthy the Good Ol' US of America hopping happily along...war is everything and a necessity to grow prosperous according to the Bush administration and probably for any future administrations as well.
Please don't take my word for it, just check backwards any administration in the US history and tell me a period were there wasn't any war which they weren't involved or they not created just to keep yankeeland growing happy along, of course never there was to be war to be fought near or in they territory, no sir, in someone else land, yes by all means.
On the Morales and Chaves front what they are doing is just fighting (still) for their country independence after 200 years from domination of raw colonialism European or American which actually still alive and well be by imposing economic pressure or by means of forced or covered intervention.
So Morales, Chaves and now Christina and before Kirchner were and are bad for USA, but nor were Augusto Pinochet, Fulgencio Batista, Rafael Videla, Leopoldo Galtieri, Anastasio Somoza García, Carlos Castillo Armas, Oswaldo López Arellano, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, Omar Torrijos, Efraín Ríos Montt, Manuel Noriega, Alfredo Stroessner, Humberto Castelo Branco, René Barrientos, Artur da Costa e Silva, Emílio Garrastazu Médici, Hugo Banzer, Juan María Bordaberry, Ernesto Geisel, João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo, Luis García Meza Tejada, etc, etc, etc.
Of course none of them were dictators when they were holding power US never say a thing to ostracize them to the world as long they can be utilized to do business at the back of the people of those countries they wont say anything, worse still they will help them to hang in power, recent example Egypt's Mubarak., once overthrown by another dictator or military junta then they became instantly and by a magic US touch in dictators, the Good Ol' USA will say, we don't know you but of course not before, how come?....unashamed HYPOCRISY that is what I hate folks.