Passionate Argentinos, Producer Of Fangio And The Affluents

yes there are in big cities specially buenos aires. apparently they didn`t venture to the countryside. they played a role in the early years or radio in argentina and then naturally moved on to television when in appeared

this is not exactly true.
There are Argentines who are Jewish in many parts of the country, including entire towns of them in the Pampas.

Much like the USA, the Jewish population of Argentina varies a lot- some are very observant, others hardly religious at all, some are rural, some are urban, some are rich, some are poor.

My guess is that the majority of the really wealthy people in Argentina are not Jewish, though- some are Italian in ancestry, some Criollo, and some even things like Lebanese or German.
Be very careful with those stereotypes Hybrid-san! There are rich people of all racial and religious (or non-religious) backgrounds in the US. And there are also middle class and poor jewish people. There was this little austrian guy with the funny mustache that said pretty much the same you did ... and look where that ended.
Huh.? Middle classes, yes but poor jewish people? No way, they might disguise as humble or poor so to deceit the wasps.! I have many jewish derived friends and acquitances here in the states and abroad. When a Jewish family disguise their appearances as being poors to the peers, they are not...Even those poor looking ones, stashes the green wads and sparkling diamonds and the glittering gold bars under the matresses.! And I have encountred hundreads of them and their siblings still flowerishing and showing their wealth on a sight seeing tour bus in Tokyo once up on a time..They were all there to go and visit this humanitarian ex-diplomat to convey their gratitude themselves or in behalf of the deceased ones. http://www.jewishvir... ... ihara.html

Permission Denied, saz the Imperial government of Japan.

Chiune Sugihara wired his government three times for permission to issue visas to the Jewish refugees. Three times he was denied. The Japanese Consul in Tokyo wired: No do not help the Jews, this is an order.....
this is not exactly true.
There are Argentines who are Jewish in many parts of the country, including entire towns of them in the Pampas.

Much like the USA, the Jewish population of Argentina varies a lot- some are very observant, others hardly religious at all, some are rural, some are urban, some are rich, some are poor.

My guess is that the majority of the really wealthy people in Argentina are not Jewish, though- some are Italian in ancestry, some Criollo, and some even things like Lebanese or German.
Hmmm, not many wealthy jewish genre living in Argentina? The LF-A super cars are purchased mostly by family names as: Bloomberg, Rosens, Fleishmans etc.etc..And all over the world..The rich chileans of jewish ancestry aplentiful there, and many purchased one of them as well. So the affluents akonowleadges the quality but not always the history...Toyota has started the auto building business around the 1940 but look now, they are to become the best in the world..Bragging rights earned.! Our motto: not to become the biggest but the best automobile company in the world....We have achieved the goal...
sorry hybrid, but thats racist and wrong.

Just as not all Japanese are billionaires buying Matisse paintings and driving LFA's, many Jews around the world are poor.
Please do not perpetuate myths that were mostly started by pretty evil people.

I have seen many japanese tourists on sight seeing buses- and it was obvious to me that not all of them had diamonds or gold bars.
I have seen japanese men who live in parks in Tokyo and drink Shochu from cans they bought at Lawson Station- should I assume that they have the keys to their LFA in their torn trousers, just because they are Japanese?

Anyway- here is a link to an article you might like, about what may be the only Ferrari F360 in Buenos Aires, and how it was stolen.
sorry hybrid, but thats racist and wrong.

Just as not all Japanese are billionaires buying Matisse paintings and driving LFA's, many Jews around the world are poor.
Please do not perpetuate myths that were mostly started by pretty evil people.

I have seen many japanese tourists on sight seeing buses- and it was obvious to me that not all of them had diamonds or gold bars.
I have seen japanese men who live in parks in Tokyo and drink Shochu from cans they bought at Lawson Station- should I assume that they have the keys to their LFA in their torn trousers, just because they are Japanese?

Anyway- here is a link to an article you might like, about what may be the only Ferrari F360 in Buenos Aires, and how it was stolen.
No there are no poor Jews in the world, I have many,many jewish friends here and abroad..Not a single one depicts as being poor. Perhaps in Israel they may exist, but outside of their mother land, I haven't noticed nor heard from the jewish friends themselves. The jewish people are too smart to find ot put them in such precarious state. May be some jap's kind disobeying the creed from their ancestrals...But just maybe, but not likely...
I don't comprehend your critique? Where have I mentioned the Japanese flashing wealth? Why amI racist and when is wrongness commited? Iam never racist, like I said before..I have many nationals of the world as friends. It does not matter to me of which is their colour od religions..So please point out to me why you find my posting a wrong and racist? Iam very neutral so therefore many friends earned from across the dif hemisphere. Iam ready to assimilate,absorb a semantics lecturing from you, Mr. Riess.
Why amI racist and when is wrongness commited?

Hybrid Ambassador said:
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Huh.? Middle classes, yes but poor jewish people? No way, they might disguise as humble or poor so to deceit the wasps.![/background]

This is a stereotype - and an incorrect one, that has proved dangerous throughout the ages...

There are many people of Jewish descent in Argentina who are well off, and many who struggle to make ends meet. This is the same in the US and in any other country in the world.
I dont know if I am "Wowing" at the same thing you are, but I am sure Wow, as well.

First off, my wife is Jewish. That means my children are Jewish.
None of us are religious, I am an anarchist atheist Finn artist.

But, nonetheless, there are still many countries around the world where my sons would be beaten, or even killed, simply for their genetic heritage.
So, I may be just a tad sensitive on this subject.

Beyond that, though, it is just plain wrong to say there are no poor Jews.
there are, of course, Jews living in poverty all over the world.
The Ethiopian Jews, and other Jews across the middle east, for example.
I knew many Persian Jews when I lived in Los Angeles, who had fled the Shah- a few were wealthy, many had nothing.
There are Jews across the USA, and in Argentina as well, who have absolutely nothing besides minimal state pensions.
I know people like this in both countries.

As for the analogy with Japanese-
Everywhere I have travelled in the world (and I have travelled a lot) the feeling on the street is that Japanese are enormously wealthy.
When you see Japanese tourists in Buenos Aires (or in Seattle, for that matter) they are almost always on expensive package tours, staying in the most expensive hotels, and usually wearing and carrying belongings that are worth more than most Argentines own in the world.
In Argentina, they often stay at the Alvear Palace- where the cheapest room is about the same cost for one night as what most Porteno's pay for a months rent.
They usually are draped with cameras that cost more than the annual salary of many Argentines.
This is true in many countries.

So, of course, the myth is that all Japanese are filthy rich.

Having been to Japan, I know this is not true, which is why I bring up the people who live in blue tarp tents in most Tokyo parks. Of course, Japan has many older people who have nothing but a meager pension.

The myth of the rich Japanese, I feel, is exactly as false as the myth of the rich Jew.
Of course, nobody ever rounded up 10 or 12 million Japanese, and exterminated them, just because of their ancestry.
And, today, there are not anti-Japanese groups in many countries, advocating death to all Japanese, because they secretly control the world.
Hence, I am just a bit quicker to attempt to defuse silly stories like "all Jews are rich".
We are wowing indeed at the same thing, I think.

All X are Y is generally the realm of fools in terms of people and stereotyping.
Also, important point, being Jewish is a religion, not a nationality. Therefore it has nothing to do with economic or other success or failure, or power . Jews are found in many countries and economic groups just like Muslims, Christians and Buddhists...we are all from the same family of human beings.