Price of meat will skyrocket


Poorly understood? Milei was pretty clear about what he was going to do and it wasnt difficult to understand - even for the ignorant plebs
That's naive. Ignorant will not easily understand Milei's program. Ignorant doesn't understand terms such as libertarian, free market, contract based society, dollarisation etc. He might understand some words, but not a process behind. And media never really explained those things in lay man's terms.

To us it was all pretty clear, for pro and contra, but many people just heard casta, opportunity for everyone and dollars in pockets.

Now that casta was not mentioned, there is no dollars in the pockets, and not much opportunities, basically all is the same, just worse, those people won't peacefully contemplate what they did. I already see people that voted Milei, already regretting it, and saying anyway he won't finish his term. Same people that before claimed it can't be worse, we have to try something new etc., now all for the revolution...
That's naive. Ignorant will not easily understand Milei's program. Ignorant doesn't understand terms such as libertarian, free market, contract based society, dollarisation etc. He might understand some words, but not a process behind. And media never really explained those things in lay man's terms.

To us it was all pretty clear, for pro and contra, but many people just heard casta, opportunity for everyone and dollars in pockets.

Now that casta was not mentioned, there is no dollars in the pockets, and not much opportunities, basically all is the same, just worse, those people won't peacefully contemplate what they did. I already see people that voted Milei, already regretting it, and saying anyway he won't finish his term. Same people that before claimed it can't be worse, we have to try something new etc., now all for the revolution...

The people who voted for Milei overwhelmingly understood exactly what it means, and they still understand

The "ignorant" as you put it voted for Massa because after 20 years of suffering they are too ignorant to understand who is to blame
You are assuming most of these "ignorant plebs" (your words) took the time to actually look at his platform and think of the consequences of said platform as opposed to thinking "motosierra contra la casta" was a cool slogan on TikTok. A great many people thought the hurt was going to happen to the wealthy, not so much to themselves, since they thought things couldn't possibly get any worse for them.

Milei has always said, as well as going after La Casta, that this is going to hurt most people and will get worse before it gets better, 'no hay plata', etc etc.

You missed the not so subtle sarcasm. 'Ignorant pleb' was from how I interpreted the sentiment of the comment. You too also are suggesting his vast number of voters are mostly ignorant. I get it. You didn't or wouldn't have voted for him so therefore those that did are ignorant and know no better.
You are assuming most of these "ignorant plebs" (your words) took the time to actually look at his platform and think of the consequences of said platform as opposed to thinking "motosierra contra la casta" was a cool slogan on TikTok. A great many people thought the hurt was going to happen to the wealthy, not so much to themselves, since they thought things couldn't possibly get any worse for them.
if people don't educate themselves before voting, that's on them. it was clear to anyone who bothered to spend 5 minutes understanding
if people don't educate themselves before voting, that's on them. it was clear to anyone who bothered to spend 5 minutes understanding
True, no one is denying that. What at least I want to say is, that many that voted Milei will turn against him at first inconvenience. They will go to the steets at first occasion, and we will see how it'll turn out. I hope it will stay at marching around, and not turn to the widespread violence, which in my opinion is just around the corner. Maybe I see it too dark, but something has changed here, and it wasn't really pleasant to start with...
Again, I ask the Mileistas and Milei apologists amongst us to please show me where the caste has started paying for the adjustment. I can rattle off about 10 ways the poor and working poor are, but I've yet to see a single concrete way in which the caste itself has started paying, and this is at the same time he is proposing a blanqueo of up to 100K USD for free, which would also apply to officials. I don't have 100K USD and I'm near the top of the pirámide de ingresos for CABA, so if that's not a gift to the caste I don't know what is at this point...

Poorly understood? Milei was pretty clear about what he was going to do and it wasnt difficult to understand - even for the ignorant plebs
Most people voted in anger, I.e. emotion, not in reason. They are entitled to their anger, rightly so, and Milei capitalized on that anger. Now comes the time to pay for the broken dishes, and it won't be the casta that pays.
Again, I ask the Mileistas and Milei apologists amongst us to please show me where the caste has started paying for the adjustment. I can rattle off about 10 ways the poor and working poor are, but I've yet to see a single concrete way in which the caste itself has started paying, and this is at the same time he is proposing a blanqueo of up to 100K USD for free, which would also apply to officials. I don't have 100K USD and I'm near the top of the pirámide de ingresos for CABA, so if that's not a gift to the caste I don't know what is at this point...
perhaps you shouldn't block people you disagree with if you want to read counter opinions
The vote was a reflection of the antipathy felt towards Kirchnerism, not of the love felt for Libertarianism, which is poorly understood by most people, Libertarians included. Most people vaguely feel that adjustments needed to be made, but it seems that the feeling of most is that the suffering is not shared by all of society in the same measure ( which is almost always the case). Once again, people voted for slogans and sound bites, not for actual platforms.
I am not convinced about this. Many, if not most, of the people who voted for him were already practicing an undeniably libertarian (libertarianism/ˌlɪbˈtɛːrɪənɪz(ə)m/noun/a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.) lifestyle long before he and his platform even came along. They long since rejected the intervention of the state as an intermediary in their daily affairs wherever they could, not just as an "ideal" but as actions. Some key examples:
  • Work en negro. Conditions agreed between parts outside of any convenio, outside of any taxation or social contributions. There are and were almost 6.000.000 Argentine workers completely en-negro and countless others partially en-negro.
  • Rent en negro. Conditions agreed between parts outside the rules made by the state.
  • Tax evasion. Discount for cash, 10% more for card or MP payments sound familiar? Again, informal transactions which are agreed between the two parties with minimum involvement of the state.
  • Paying for private health care, education and even things like security, whenever it can be afforded despite it being available without additional charge from the state.
  • Dolar blue and evasion of capital controls. The world's biggest currency black market on an industrial scale.
Personally, I am convinced that the Argentine psyche is one of the most neo-liberal there is, on a micro level anyway. Make a law, Argentines will find a way around it before it has even been printed in the gazette. Politics have become like a football match where people just pick a side and chant slogans in public but once at home, they just play by their own rules because the rules on the pitch are just for the show of the game. Many of these people have simply become tired of how much effort has become involved in avoiding a state that has become toxic and a total drain of energy, money, and hope while forcing things they don't necessarily want, need, or value onto them and making them pay for it indirectly through inflation nonetheless (presumably because nobody wants to pay for said things directly). These people themselves long since realized they can do many things "better" without the state acting as an intermediary. Milei's blunt talking and chain-saw brandishing theatrics simply matched their own realities and needs in a way the could identify with to finally create a platform to make it the politic of the day.

Also I am not sure I like the tone of this somewhat neo-colonial, narcissistic, patriachal and classista attitude of "the poor natives can't think for themselves" expressed by some anti-mileistas. It casts my mind to an Argentina before universal suffrage while the landed gentry sipped cognac and mulled over the greater good.
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Most people voted in anger, I.e. emotion, not in reason. They are entitled to their anger, rightly so, and Milei capitalized on that anger. Now comes the time to pay for the broken dishes, and it won't be the casta that pays.
I see a nation of turkeys that voted for Christmas. And I’m sad for Argentina. I understand @sts7049 is saying that everyone should have understood what they were voting for, as if that were possible. It wasn’t. Milei and his (questionably saner) advisors advanced and then retracted multiple measures. (@sergio says we should ignore the theatrics, which amounts to picking and choosing which parts of Milei’s “program” one should vote for). All BS. Sorry.

Tell me, which part of an anti corruption platform would remove penalties for employing people off the books (i.e. en negro)? Or remove the anti nepotism laws to allow Milei and his cronies to employ their families and relatives? I saw Sturznegger whinging the other day about how people were complaining about how the DNU has too many articles, well, genius, it’s because it’s a mix of incompetent drafting and pure pork. How on earth does the DNU allow foreign factory ships to fish in Argentinian waters? This is simply amateur hour at the Casa Rosada 🙄. A bunch of ideologs playing with fire at other people’s expense. I do not see this ending well (and if Milei is threatening that things will only be better in 15 years, then he’s failed completely). What a joke.
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