Price of meat will skyrocket

These things have been going on for a very, very long time. 45% of the people in this country were below the poverty line before Milei won the election. More than 30% of full-time workers were below the poverty line. That's one of the principal reasons that he won.

The idea that this is something new is absurd and just wrong. Perhaps it's only noticeable by expats because now prices are going up in other currencies. But this is nothing new.

I never said it was something new. Maybe I should have made clear that the situation was indeed exacerbated.... with the promise that things will get better. We shall see.
I haven't trawled the depths of a Toro or a Termidor as yet but if the current trends continue perhaps I'll have to.
I care about Argentina and see that its people will suffer 10 times worse now than before . Milei says in 45 years we can be Ireland and before then 90 percent will be in poverty
Almost half the population living in poverty at the end of the last government. I'm not sure how you aquate that as care if you are all for it to continue under Massa had he won. Or are you not for Massa either and just excel at complaining?
Almost half the population living in poverty at the end of the last government. I'm not sure how you aquate that as care if you are all for it to continue under Massa had he won. Or are you not for Massa either and just excel at complaining?

He made it clear that he believes the current administration will worsen matters, acknowledging that things were already challenging under the previous administration. How is that a complaint? It's merely an opinion.

I ask this because I've noticed a significant number of Milei supporters get easily upset when others don't share their views. I'd even say many are frustrated that Milei's policies aren't instantly becoming law, upset over the fact that these policies are being discussed in Congress and that he's unable to unilaterally implement his agenda. A common sentiment seems to be that he didn't come here to negotiate. Well, guess what? He will have to negotiate.

The last time I checked, Argentina was a democracy. Things are debated and negotiated here, and I see a lot of people frustrated with this fundamental democratic principle.

Instead of dismissing concerns as mere complaints, why not come up with a counterpoint that addresses the genuine concerns raised?
Almost half the population living in poverty at the end of the last government. I'm not sure how you aquate that as care if you are all for it to continue under Massa had he won. Or are you not for Massa either and just excel at complaining?
As we should speak facts about Massa or whoever else held the office before Milei, we should also acknowledge facts about actions Milei is pulling. And that for the moment is getting even worse for many is a hard fact, while thinking his policies will improve the situation is a mere speculation. While I doubt Massa would be doing any better, he is not a factor any more. But this doesn't mean we can't speak of Milei and how things are at the moment...
Seems like a pretty useless search. You have to be precise in what you're looking for, it seems to only give results for a few chains, and you can't sort the results. Maybe it could be useful if you're desperate, I don't know. It never hurts to have one more search option if you're looking for something, I guess.
It automatically sorts by price per kilo/liter etc starting from the cheapest.
As we should speak facts about Massa or whoever else held the office before Milei, we should also acknowledge facts about actions Milei is pulling. And that for the moment is getting even worse for many is a hard fact, while thinking his policies will improve the situation is a mere speculation. While I doubt Massa would be doing any better, he is not a factor any more. But this doesn't mean we can't speak of Milei and how things are at the moment...
Didn't say we shouldn't hold the little libertarian to the same standard, just pointing out the hipocracy.
We're not going to know for a couple of years if the policies that Milei will put in place will make things better or worse. Until then everything is mere speculation as you say.
Here's an aside: My sister actually believes that Bill Gates put "devices" in the Covid vaccine. I don't even have words for that kind of stupid.
This video (posted this morning) made me think of this post.

I remember hearing about "nano- particles in the vaccines" as early as 2022 when listeming to

While the mRNA vaccines may not actually contain nano-particles which were "put in the Covid vaccines" as suggested by WineGuy's sister, the assertion that the vaccines contain nano-particle technology appears to have now been verrified and I am interested in learning more about them, especially what their effect on the body is. I don't think they are the same thing(s) as "antibodies" which are supposed to kill a virus.

PS: The cost of roast beef (the only cut I buy) has increased more than 4X in pesos since January of this year, while the purchasing power of the dollar hasn't even doubled.

There is little doubt that the dollar/peso exchange rate is being "controlled" so I don't think Perry gave birth to a conspiracy theory as suggested by SinPulgadas in post #80.
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