Oh, Stella-Negra. Hello and welcome to our little expat/tourist family. I can see you're the kind of relative that is so open minded she's actually among the most closed minded of the bunch!
The "AA cult," as you call it, is not for everyone. Not everyone is comfortable invoking a 'higher power' and using it, whatever it is - AA doesn't tell you what it should be - to help him or herself through a very difficult and deeply personal problem. Luckily, for those people who do not find what they need in AA, there are other options available.
However, your label is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful for those who find solace and meaning in this extended network of people so uniquely qualified to offer support and hope to each other as they all struggle with the same issue.
Many people with addiction/obsession issues need to replace one with another, and although it may seem like a 'cult' to you because of the deep level of involvement of its members and the encouragement to believe in a higher power, having an understanding community will always be a more healthy outlet than drinking.
Lee, I wish you the best of luck with whatever type of treatment you seek. Remember, it has to be right for YOU for it to work.