Right Wing Coup E'tat In Brazil

This is the extent of the involvement of the Brazilian Military on the "right-wing coup" so far.

Was going to add something related to "living in a cloud of farts" but I already used that colorful image today.

Same as with the NSFW warnings, there should be a label that warns the potential reader of the male cattle excreta that constitutes most of the topic.
Well most of us over 30 were taught that. But I doubt anyone who is in their twenties believes her either! I hope what you are saying is not true. People fought and died for the Bill of Rights, it would be sad to have to die again to get it back. I hope that teachers at least give it some lip service.

The only people who truly take the Bill of Rights seriously are the gun nuts ready to blast away for their "Second Amendment rights," but nothing else matters to them.
The only people who truly take the Bill of Rights seriously are the gun nuts ready to blast away for their "Second Amendment rights," but nothing else matters to them.

Actually, I'm not so sure about what you are saying (beyond the exaggerated complaints about violation of the second amendment, that's definitely true). There are a lot of people who take the bill of rights very seriously, as you can probably read some comments on this thread alone. The problem that we are seeing is that people are forgetting their history and the U.S. government is taking over step by step. As far as I can see, the U.S. is headed in the direction of S. American governments for the past 20 years or so, or if not, something else sinister. If people do not hold their governments accountable, the government will try to take more and more power. That is one of the things that I like about the U.S. system of government's design (lots of limits on power), but little by little, we are handing over our lives. I don't think that's some sort of conspiracy that's going on, but just the reality of the country. I'm glad to see Brazilians are beginning to hold their government accountable.
OP, if this is such a big deal shouldn't you be posting this on the RioExpats or Sao PauloExpats forum? I know 6 Brasilians here in BA (one who is my wife, one who is on this forum,and friends) and they are all fully behind the protest.
The only people who truly take the Bill of Rights seriously are the gun nuts ready to blast away for their "Second Amendment rights," but nothing else matters to them.

Not to hijack the OP's thread, but as a "gun nut" I'd need to respectfully disagree. It might seem this way from the outside but as a group, "gun nuts" are probably the most educated and vocal for defense of the entire Bill of Rights, not just the Second Amendment. I can say that many, many of us know the entire Bill of Rights by heart and are very p*ssed off by the erosion of our rights. :angry:
Ana, you just lost all credibility with all Americans on this forum by saying that Brazil needs something like the ley de medios law. This draconian law is one of the worst laws I have ever seen. In the USA, we do not touch freedom of the press, period. It is in our bill of rights that our government cannot make any laws restricting the freedom of the press in any way. We are taught from elementary school that freedom of the press is a human right and that the ability to criticize governments openly is a necessary curb to the power of governments. If our congress had made such a bone-headed law that restricts the press in any way, we would have people talking about a revolution. Yes, people would be arming themselves to overthrow the government. I am not kidding. Because that is something you do not touch in a democracy. I am sure that this sort of thing is in the Brazilian and Argentine constitution too. It is illegal to restrict the media, and if ever they did that in Brazil then their citizens would have the right to try to peacefully overthrow the government. If the government is corrupt and officials have broken the law then people also have every right to try to peacefully overthrow it. No one here who is American is going to buy your story and my advice to you would be to quit thinking empty headed. If you are being paid by someone to post (which I don't think so but just in case) then shame on you--you are a traitor to your country and people and are shameless. Wake up and smell the coffee.

That's all well and good, but the US does have laws which restrict media ownership.

Oops! I should have read the entire thread first. This has already been pointed out.

More info:


Also, in regards to your other complaint, I'm not saying that the US laws are equivalent to the "Ley de Medios" (to which I'm 100% opposed). But your comment repeatedly says that the US does not and can not restrict the press, and it does. When you make an argument, it doesn't help your case to repeat and emphasize an untrue assertion.
And what if argentinian workers decide they "travel" as pigs? by train or buses?
Is this the reason why peolple dont even bother in payng trains tickets?
people are very critic with trains, but they dont pay a cent for the trip.
I wonder if we are going in the same direction than Brazil?