Sick n tired of verdulero cheats...

Celia said:
Tangerine, if you hate me so much why read 145 of my posts!!! Your remarks are very personal and mean, just the other day I posted about things I like here and many people responded. Yes maybe I get depressed living in Consti esp with a toddler and pregnant I can't get around to nicer areas. Get off my back!!!!!

Celia, you clearly started a very meaningful thread with so many answers so just ignore the nay sayers who pass through Bsas never really knowing it and be sure you are appreciated..especially by me as a mum with a 7 and 2 yr old who knows the stresses of battling a big city with 2 children in tow!:)
cabrera said:
You still whinging about being ripped off by the Argentinians? Come on Boluda cut out the innocent Engish rose act . Give back our Malvinas Piratas and then we will treat you with respect......

First of all welcome back and happy 2011. Your deep felt Argentine patriotism is to be lauded - there are many fine things in this lovely country to defend but please be cautious that extreme patriotism doesnt turn into extreme xenophobia or hatred of all things foreign, by the simple fact of fearing and hating what you don´t know. Britain is indeed plagued by teenage drinking and alcolohism at all ages (as indeed is Ireland , my own homeland) but Ireland is no more a country of alcoholics than it is a country of celtic tigers just by nature of the generalizations applied to it.

When I want to instruct my 7yr old son on how to live I always say "Be the best person you can be" - meaning, be the person you think mommy would want you to be, someone that you are proud to be and that the world needs & deserves. I suggest that is true for all of us adults too. Would your mother be proud of reading the vitriol pouring from your posts? Are you a genuinely joy filled and happy person in spite of continuously spouting hatred of the English pirates?

It´s true that my FB hippy name is Phoenix and I´m a pacifist so forgive my lecturing tone but I cannot understand why Cabrera and similar posters seem to have no self awareness or care at how bitter and twisted they seem and how such sentiments rarely lead to good or happy people in life...
French jurist said:
Furthermore you have it wrong Cabrera, the ones having the reputation of being "smelly" are the French, not the British :p.

A culture that gave birth to the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, a special kind of humor & to the Monty Pythons cannot be fundamentally bad.

I absolutely agree with French Jurist I grew up with the Beatles and Rollings Stones!!
Celia said:
Nikad, the chicken from our local butchers is the same as the one from Disco, maybe it's different in your barrio....
Duh, now that is big difference. I shop around to getr better deals, unfortunately in Recoleta, you will never find bargains :p I mostly buy everything online from Jumbo or Disco, I don´t have to wait in lines, etc and I know exactly how much I am spending. After trying different methods, I find online shopping to be much more cost effective and stress free. Jumbo has regular and organic vegetables and fruits, many times the organic are cheaper than the regular veggies. They really have a big selection of everything. If I was in your situation, I would not want to be dealing with idiots and 8 months pregnant, give it a hot and forget about all this s**t! Yo uwill see that in the end you are spending about the same ;)