Summer And Power Outages,how Well Prepared Are We?

It's time to throw off the yoke of these old colonial powers!

Power by Argentines for Argentines: Power to the People!

You sound like Napoleon, the Head Pig from the book Animal Farm, from George Orwell...!

An image to remember, Happy 2014

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I reckon I didn't read every post in this thread, but I saw people complaining about 4-5 hours, maybe a day. I didn't go back through and verify the longest outage, but the problem seems to me that it's a lot worse than that.

Seems like the government is cutting power the the people who have the least "complaining power". I've had, for the last two weeks, company in the apartment. First older sister-in-law whose power in San Martin was out for 4 days. A couple of friends from Constitucion and other city 'burbs that lost electricity for three days. Now, friends in Parque Patricios have been without power for two days. No end in sight for them.

Here I am, across the street from the Palacio San Martin (headquarters of the Foreign Ministry) and we lost power once, for three hours, a week ago.

Yeah, the government here cares about the people. Heh.

But as Cristina said about the riots "happens every December." I just don't remember such huge lack of power in so many places in the last 7 years I've lived here.
Have no idea how the Argentine electrical market works, but... could they be pulling an Enron? Create a shortage to drive up spot prices?
I really don't think nationalizing the power companies will do any good. These governments (both national & city of Buenos Aires) are HIGHLY inefficient at EVERYTHING they do and I think the problems would be the same or possibly much worse.
Woke to no power this morning, lasted nearly two hours. It was devastating, we now have all 4 air conditioners running... Chiste
Well folks, it's been almost a year since i asked this question....
This year the tornado hit bragado pretty bad, did we learn anything from last year? are we doing anything different or this still a''it won't happen to me'' thing?
Summer is coming and with that the power failures .......
I thought it might be of some interest for the new members...
This will be my first Christmas in Buenos Aires. Hopefully the AC units hold up... unlike our hot water heater which got flooded. So AC + cold showers... good to go.

I think the power outages aren't a major issue in this area. I hope.
I decided it would be prudent to put together a personal preparedness plan. Living on the sixth floor of a building with high ceilings and no back up generator for the elevator means a very difficult climb, especially with groceries or water. Altho I live in a part of Recoleta that is quite tourist sensitive, it is not immune, and I lost power last summer. It's interesting to note things that you hadn't realized were power toilet tank filling....So I'm stocking up on a couple of jugs of water, non perishable food items, and keep my electronics more charged than normal. I even had to paper train my dog as descending and ascending with her in my arms several times a day became a real problem. I also have a great LED luz de emergencia. But for sure what will be the worse is no AC and NO INTERNET. Also not being able to bring in fresh supplies , especially soda, because of the weight of having to carry it up so many flights (I live alone).
And then there was being trapped in the elevator when the power went out...couldn't get to my wine stash from there......