Summer And Power Outages,how Well Prepared Are We?

Puente Alsina blocked Thousands cross on foot...! looks like 9/11... :cool:


It's unlikely that I'd be inclined to pay those prices, especially for a style of accommodation that could be found in many other cities, but am I wrong to assume that the electrical infrastructure in Puerto Madero would be among the newest (and therefor most reliable) in Buenos Aires? I see it's currently shaded green on the map and I'm curious whether it's remained that way throughout the month.
I see a couple people in this thread seem to be suggesting solar solutions, or have had experience living with that in other countries. I have no experience with it, but I'm looking into installing some panels ..... Has anyone else looked into this? Anyone have thoughts on this or done anything similar in their homes?
I live in Phoenix (US) and solar is pretty popular ...might have something to do with the 300+ days of sunshine. Anyway, the way it works here is excess power generated by your panels goes back to the grid but they pay you for it so then you use those credits to offset your night usage. Depending on how big your system is you might not have any costs. They recently changed the rules so that this won't happen any more and everyone now has to pay a min fee to be on the grid even if they don't use it. (bs politics if u ask me). A 1,500-2,000 sq ft house here can see savings of $150 (basic system)per month, a good system can have their entire electric bill $400+ gone. A basic system runs around $5-$7k and better system $15k+... keep in mind almost 1/2 of the cost is typically labor so if you can figure out how to do it yourself you'll save a ton.