The salary of locals is irrelevant to world commodity prices.
Because of argentine take home salary, should gas only be one peso per liter?
Or stainless steel cost a mere 2 pesos a kilogram?
imported ITALIAN cheese, and tomatoes, and cured meats, if anything, cost MORE in argentina, so pizzas that actually used fine ingredients would be more expensive in Buenos Aires than in the USA.
100% tariff, anyone?
I dont care what all you whiners say- I like good argentine pizza, just as I like good US pizza, good italian pizza, and good pizza anywhere.
and most of the crap they call pizza in the USA is made from ingredients that are not even food. They cant legally call it "cheese"- its called "cheese product", and the tomato sauce is half corn syrup, at most fast food pizza places. The grease pools on top, the pepperoni is half salt and the other half nitrites, with a whisp of pig from one that walked by.
And I dont pay anywhere NEAR 50 pesos for a pizza at most places.
I am sure, if you try, you could probably find a 50 peso choripan, too...
I have said it before, and I will say it again- if you eat locally, anywhere on earth, you can find good things to eat, even pizza. If you insist on replicating the tastes of another country and culture, you will be setting yourself up for a complaining failure- which, I suppose, some people enjoy.