Thieves In Starbucks- Av. De Mayo

I don't know what nationality they were, I only heard one or two words before they knew I was on to them. I wasn't close enough to hear their speech pattern. They were both overweight maybe about 100kg, 1m 60cm, brownish complexion, sloppy clothes, but not homeless looking, chubby faces, the man had shor brown curly hair and the woman longish brown curly hair and wearing a fanny pack. Bothe early to mid 40's.

Sounds like the man was D'Elía.
I don't know what nationality they were, I only heard one or two words before they knew I was on to them. I wasn't close enough to hear their speech pattern. They were both overweight maybe about 100kg, 1m 60cm, brownish complexion, sloppy clothes, but not homeless looking, chubby faces, the man had short brown curly hair and the woman longish brown curly hair and wearing a fanny pack. Both early to mid 40's.

You Ass-u-med 2 Asian ladies were about to be robbed, using the old bird shit scam, so you called for a immediate lynching of the suspects ! where u wearing your hood? :D
This is what I mean, be VERY careful on Av. de Mayo!!

Yes, be careful, everyone. Today my friend was hit by a flying Quilmes bottle just walking down Avenida de Mayo. He was knocked unconscious and cut up pretty badly. He said the guy who did it was chasing two fat guys with fanny packs and yelling hysterically in Spanish. Crazy city.
Best to stay at home, and indulge your orthorexia. Laugh smugly at those bread eating plebs as you feel the mystical wellness delivering properties of your organic kale and quinoa smoothie wash over you and think of all those monsanto worshipping salmon munchers falling off the the perch one by one - yes, hold your manioc tight, soon it will be time...
Very nice prose
According to some on this forum, they must have been Peruvian.
I have no idea what nationality they were and was careful not to even mention that because I am very sensitive to this very issue, reason being I have blond hair and blue eyes as white as you can get - people see me and think "all american guy" or Irish, German, Polish, etc. Well NONE of the above - I am 1/2 cuban and 1/2 russian, born in New York City. My grandmother was more cuban than Celia Cruz and she was 5'10", blond hair, blue eyes and as white as me. Yet she was from Cienfuegos, Cuba, her family having emigrated from the north of Spain in the early 1800s, so technically, they were "Celtas", but Cuban by birth nonetheless, and only spoke Spanish. When people would hear her speak English with a very heavy Spanish accent they would say, "Why do you speak Spanish??", or - "I didn't know you were Puerto Rican" or a bunch of other silly statements like that. And since I don't look at all "hispanic" in New York City, my hometown, I can't tell you how many times people said derogatory things about hispanics to me, not knowing I was one of them or my family was hispanic. Sometimes it was very hurtful. So I never do it to others, I wait for some confirmation like hearing the accent or simply asking.
I live on Av. de Mayo in between both Starbucks branches. One is on Av. de Mayo between 9 de Julio & Tacuarí and the other on the corner of Av. de Mayo and Santiago del Estero. From living here for around 4 years now, I can tell you that this entire street is a huge magnet for theives, petty robberies go on every day, there are MANY homeless people in the area, more and more people living on the street in doorways and any nice stores on Av. de Mayo are closing down and either re-open as chinse supermarkets or kioskos. The only saving grace around is Teatro Avenida, which draws a large crowd of decent folk who patronize the nice restaurants in the area. Other than that I would say this area is going downhill quickly. Several times per week I see people with their bags, cameras, ipads, laptops, watches, chains, etc snatched and either in a daze, fallen down on the ground from the impact or just shocked from the quick getaway and then people gathered around cursing and complaining about the crime. Last month the pharmacy - a branch of "Dr. Ahorro" on the corner of Av. de Mayo & Santiago del Estero, on the ground floor of a HUGE 2 tower complex with 500 apartments, across the street from one of the headquarters of the policia federal was held up at gunpoint during the day. In the past 12 months 2 subway stations, Callao & Uruguay were held up at gunpoint, so was the hotel Savoy on Callao & Perón, a grupo commando masked with machine guns came in early in the morning and held up the front desk, so did the electronices repair shop I go to on Montevideo & Rivadavia held up at gunpoint 10:30 in the morning on a weekday 1 block away from the Congreso building and these are just the ones I know about - I am seriously considering leaving Argentina by the end of the year. It's just getting too hairy here and things are getting progressively worse without any end in sight.

To be honest though, this isn't more of a reason to leave Argentina now than it ever was. There have been better and worse times, but there has never been a single day in the last 3 decades in which it was considered uncommon that someone or some business had been held up at gunpoint. The area were you live has always been pretty dodgy, and now it's actually better than it ever was (so you can imagine what a shithole it was pre-2002, when there were no tourists).