Too Many Pizzerias And Carbs In Bsas Stop This Now

I'll watch the videos you posted later this evening, but I if it makes you all feel better, I ate a lomo a la pimienta for lunch. Every bite, looking for more to mop up the sauce.

EDIT: My personal philosophy is similar to that of GS_Dirtboy. Eat as close to the ground as possible, while trying to minimize intake of things like hormones, antibiotics, etc. In other words, if your grandparents didn't eat it, then you shouldn't either.
I love how every conversation involving the topics of vegetarianism or veganism has to include "But what would all those cows do??" and "But plants have feelings too!" Waaay before I stopped eating meat I knew that most cattle raising today is not natural - there is basically all in vitro fertilization (the young bulls are all killed in the first year basically, and the cows are kept for milk production) and if we stopped using cows for meat and milk they would simply die out in one generation if we stopped breeding them... It's not like we would just end up with all these cows wandering about. I am not saying that it is at all realistic, there is no way there would be enough people wanting to stop commercial cattle raising to actually have that happen, but the "What would the cows do?" is to me the worst argument...

Animal husbandry is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, even greater than transport, so vegetarianism is about a lot more than animal welfare.

As an anecdote, I stopped eating meat after a year in Argentina, I think I had had enough. That was a year ago now, and I still have no desire to eat it, and I feel better than ever. To each his own!
But that should be the standard, right? Unless you're an endurance athlete or trying to pack on 10-20 lbs of muscle you've got no business making bread, rice, potatoes, etc., a regular meal.
Polostar, let me correct that for you: "Unless you are my doctor you've got no business telling me what not to eat." Ah, better! Sorry but you come across as extremely patronizing... Sounding a little more informative and a little less normative would be great... As a fellow polo player I thought maybe I'd run into you at a club or other polo event, but now I would be worried that you'd judge my plate for the lack of meat! (I had a fantastic vegetarian lunch at a polo club on Friday by the way. In addition to the asado, which everyone said was great, there was a wonderful spread of salads and grilled vegetables, beans, lentils, all sort of goodness.)

Aside from this, I think there's no reason to discuss veganism and vegetarianism in general on this thread. .... But there's no need to discuss vegetarianism in general here.
And, as Leslie said, we can discuss basically anything we want here. You are not the off-topic police.
developed world husbandry has related in fairly flat gas emissions since the 70s. The major increase is in the developing world were population growth drives demand for protein.

The problem were be sufficiently reduced if we ate more pork, fowl, fish and game. I try not to eat meat at least two days a week and always vary the proteins I eat.
For the record, i'm part time tomato and half onion with every cow i eat, the ratio might not be all that great but still i do what i can!! also for the record, i dont care about the lentils or lettuce's or cattle's feelings, i just eat them ;)
Polostar, let me correct that for you: "Unless you are my doctor you've got no business telling me what not to eat." Ah, better! Sorry but you come across as extremely patronizing... Sounding a little more informative and a little less normative would be great... As a fellow polo player I thought maybe I'd run into you at a club or other polo event, but now I would be worried that you'd judge my plate for the lack of meat! (I had a fantastic vegetarian lunch at a polo club on Friday by the way. In addition to the asado, which everyone said was great, there was a wonderful spread of salads and grilled vegetables, beans, lentils, all sort of goodness.)

And, as Leslie said, we can discuss basically anything we want here. You are not the off-topic police.

Being judged is not the worst thing but in person I don't care what people eat and wouldn't remark on it. Don't be defensive. I'm giving people good advice. A starch-heavy diet will make you fat. Vegetarian diets in previous times didn't include mostly starch by the way, that was for poor people who had to do a lot of labor. My ancestors in East Europe were vegetarians during the summer and vegans during periods of religious fasting, but disdained starchy foods. They had a vegetable garden, and then the occasional egg or white cheese. Mushrooms and also spring herbs were foraged, plus fruit and nuts. If you want to eat a starch-heavy diet go ahead but that is serf-laborer food and you will probably gain weight, especially if you have North or East European genetics. Your ancestors weren't eating cereals until about 1000 years ago, actually less than that if you're from Norway.

Since you guys want to talk about veganism in general, here's an article: ; veganism can permanently screw up kids' brains.
"Unless you are my doctor you've got no business telling me what not to eat."

Hmmm I have met doctors that are dummer than a box of rocks one of them killed my uncle with stupity when my uncle was just 42 years old. So I think we can put that quote in the circular file.. Dusting of my hands.. Thank you very much!