Too Many Pizzerias And Carbs In Bsas Stop This Now

FYI - you can lose weight eating junk food if you workout enough. It's calories in minus calories out. Simple math. One pound equals about 3500 calories. For one pound loss per week you need to have a 500 calorie deficit per day. That's running about an hour for most people.

Primary cause of obesity is people eating too much I agree. This is why it's possible to remain slim while eating pasta and ice cream. People in Italy do that, as someone pointed out. Of course it should be said that girls there consider a very small ice cream and a coffee to be lunch. That's certainly better than two "healthy" subway sandwiches plus a baked good and diet coke.

That said, eating a carb-heavy diet makes it more difficult to eat less because it does alter the hormonal profile. If your breakfast is a bowl of cheerios chances are you will be very hungry two hours later and will want to eat again. If your breakfast is a hardboiled egg or two with a bit of butter and organic bacon (or with some white cheese if you don't want meat) then you will not be hungry for many hours after that.

Running will give people a temporary benefit with diminishing returns. It's not an efficient way to lose weight and most long-distance runners end up gaining weight or barely maintaining:
Resistance/weight training and sprints/conditioning are far better in my opinion than boring endurance exercises. The fittest people I've met never run anywhere close to one hour at a time. Intensity, not duration is what matters.

However, it would be enough for people to eat anything at all in moderation and do the equivalent of two hours of leisurely walking a day in order not to be obese or even fat. With that I agree.
Really it is the bottom line.. a balanced diet and exercise. I think endurance runners while it is a great sport have issues with over training. In fact I am sure they would. Your body peaks testosterone output in the first 30 minutes of a hard work out. After that it starts to become over training. When I was younger I got amazing results with split daily routines 3 days week of just 20 to 30 minutes each session. Now I do a full body work out one day and week and and then two other days of focused training on muscle groups. It works very well at over 50.

But like you said... I have to have protein carbs leave me empty and hunger in 2 hours. They also wear me down and leave me tired. Balance for me is some fish everyday usually for lunch with vegetables and then more protein for dinner with a salad and some carbs and fruit. I love the fact that fruit salad is so common here it makes a great desert.
New fad diets are always appearing because they sale books. But one piece of advice that is eternal is what mom told you: "eat your vegetables".

Back 70 years ago junk food was too expensive for the average Joe. Take a look at this newsreel and everyone is model thin and this is the US.

Meat consumption is not the problem, it's too many processed foods and not enough vegetables - it's really as simple as that.
He brought up a good point. Your belief that there will be or there is some worldwide movement away from meat is what's strange. There's no such trend. There is a trend like this in Argentina, and it coincides with the decreasing health of the people here. There are different trends in other countries, for example Sweden, and among certain people in the US. You are not very well-informed, and perhaps without knowing, you are a tool of the big agribusiness lobbies, who are happy to replace meat with soy, cereals, and sugars (what they're lobbying for in the USA now, with some success).

There's no need to discuss veganism or vegetarianism in general on this thread. For what it's worth, I have nothing against vegetarianism properly done. Many of my ancestors were at least seasonally vegetarian. But a traditional vegetarian diet has little to do with what I've seen most people in the US call "vegetarian," by which they mean a diet based on anti-nutrients like modern processed grains, soy, and vegetable oils. That said, this is not the place to discuss all this. This is about changes within Argentina. I have no doubt that many people in Argentina have been conditioned to think like you now though.

Please tell me where in this thread I mentioned what my belief is. Earlier in this thread I pointed out blatant misinformation about vegetarian/vegan diets. As for the "thinker," he didn't bring up a good point, but rather made as sarcastic comment with loaded language.

As to your second paragraph, I guess we should pass all posts along to you so you can approve their appropriateness.

You're not brand new to this forum, right? You realize we discuss any and everything in almost every thread. That said, I agree with you that many vegetarians have horrible diets. Just like many meat eaters have horrible diets. Did you have a point in that statement or were you just typing out loud?
I'm doing my best to solve the cattle problem we are gonna have when all you guys become vegetarians!!!! but i really need help, i can only eat so much cattle by myself!! and on top of that ,more and more people are not eating red meat anymore...... i can't keep up picking up the slack of you'' quitters'' eating meat.....oh well ...please don't feel you have to thank me for bbqing on sundays and having steak at least twice a week... nothing heroic about it ... i just do it for the better of human kind :) oh and saving the ozone layer too due to the gases produced by cattle..... again nothing heroic about it but .... you're welcome eh :p
The only thing that stands between us and Planet of the Vacas is McKenna. Now that everyone is eating Vegan Fugazzeta, the ranchers have abandoned the cows - and they're breeding in an uncontrolled fashion. Already Salta has been overrun - the last message that Ed Rooney got out before he was trampled to death under an onslaught of bovine hoofs, "The vegetarians finally did it, god damn you, god damn you all to hell!". The vegetarians might have just as well have put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Other countries are being overrun by packs of free range chickens marching under the banner "Live Free Range or Die". The Veal raised cattle have been particularly vicious in enacting their well deserved revenge.

Unless people desist in promoting this vegetarian epidemic then Planet of the Vacas may become reality and not simply very, very bad science fiction (although not as bad as Interstellar).
Please tell me where in this thread I mentioned what my belief is. Earlier in this thread I pointed out blatant misinformation about vegetarian/vegan diets. As for the "thinker," he didn't bring up a good point, but rather made as sarcastic comment with loaded language.

As to your second paragraph, I guess we should pass all posts along to you so you can approve their appropriateness.

You're not brand new to this forum, right? You realize we discuss any and everything in almost every thread. That said, I agree with you that many vegetarians have horrible diets. Just like many meat eaters have horrible diets. Did you have a point in that statement or were you just typing out loud?

I think you should review this article you obviously have issues that you need to work out.

Good luck with that.
I'm doing my best to solve the cattle problem we are gonna have when all you guys become vegetarians!!!! but i really need help, i can only eat so much cattle by myself!! and on top of that ,more and more people are not eating red meat anymore...... i can't keep up picking up the slack of you'' quitters'' eating meat.....oh well ...please don't feel you have to thank me for bbqing on sundays and having steak at least twice a week... nothing heroic about it ... i just do it for the better of human kind :) oh and saving the ozone layer too due to the gases produced by cattle..... again nothing heroic about it but .... you're welcome eh :p

Yeah I am with you. I cannot imagine life without a full on South American Asado now and then. I would hate life without my Parilla that huge grill with space for every kind of meat all at once and that matambrie ala pizza to die for. Well that and the juice from Mendoza too.

Well I guess you better stop eating plants too. Maybe you can be like vultures and just wait for something to die before you eat it.

Becuase to me it sure looks like that bean plant is a living thing but its just not operating in our time demension.

If you were really a "thinker" you would understand that behavioral changes don't occur overnight. It would mean a gradual reduction in the number of livestock that exist. They don't live forever. Over years and generations, their numbers would be reduced.

You should change your login ID. It really doesn't fit you.

I have now had time to think about your position, philosophy and posts. Bring it!