Totally dumbfounded: can anyone explain

Not sure how well they work as a long term bug control, but it must be really satisfying to zap them with a drive or a backhand and hear them go BZT!
Andy Ireland said:
Does anyone know or have they seen mosquito nets to go over a double bed???

You can have one tailored to your needs : go first to Once to buy the net and have it sewed to whatever shape/size you want.
Yeah last year was wretched. This year I've hardly been bitten at all!
Andy Ireland said:
Does anyone know or have they seen mosquito nets to go over a double bed???

Andy, Falabella in Unicenter sell different sizes of mosquito net to hang from the ceiling and we have one that covers a massive US King..we messed around with home made nets from Once as French Jurist says but the Falabella version made things hellof a lot easier as these little buggers can get into via the smallest gap...most intelligent life creatures I think! But to be sure this year there are so few and we`re hardly using the net in spite of living in front of a park when normally we are eaten alive...
This year I haven't really seen many mosquitoes - until LAST NIGHT! They wouldn't let me sleep. I spent the night swatting and scratching away.
I have also noticed that ... no need to spray our kids with Off this summer...

My guess is that this year they sprayed the city with some kind of repellent...

We still get mosquitoes in our apartment every other night, but at least you can be outside in a park and be ok....
i noticed that i was still getting bit this year - but my reaction wasn't nearly as severe as my first summer in Buenos Aires. Maybe we're just getting used to it?
No there is definitely something different this year. I was eaten alive the last 3 summers and this summer not a single bite ! Yeah I wonder if they sprayed in C.F. ??
Maybe closed windows and air conditioning are making a difference?
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