Train accident in Once (linea Sarmiento) 340 wounded

We should start producing bullets before that.

gpop said:
Don't forget further big ticket items like the planned Argentine nuclear sub.
I first read about it in Buenos Aires Herald. The story seemed to be saying: "Well...... Brazil has one, so I want one too".
She's spending like it's a boxing day sale at a shoe store
Gringoboy said:
Did anyone see the 'press conference' today?
What a fucking joke that was.
De Vido and Schiavi like a couple of puppets from Spitting Image.
No questions allowed and the bloke on the right spoke volumes with his body language. Depressed, pissed off and wishing he was somewhere else.
Fiasco total and i bet they are just hoping that this will all go away.
It won't.

It can't have beaten yesterday's performance (paraphrasing) - 'the unfortunate thing is that it was a working day and the train was full of workers - if it had happened during carnavale we wouldn't have had so many deaths' - really? I know there are a lot of feriados on the calendar now but that should've earned Schiavi an instant letter of resignation.
mercjoe said:
We should start producing bullets before that.
Ummm, perhaps NOT ?!?!
You are kidding right? Because, that's not what a country with such a ailing infrastructure needs eh. Put down the guns, bullets, subs... what have you; call a truce with whomever you have a problem with at the moment and tell everyone that you got some housework to do before you can come out an play again.
If the house is falling apart at the foundation, damn repainting the walls and hanging more pictures. It's time to get down to the real issues and commit to action, not just melodramatic monologues and posturing.
marksoc said:
That is why I find the accident to be weird. However, the State should have replaced all the old trains already, it was taking too much time. Now, this happened at 20 km/h, can you imagine at a normal suburban train speed?

This is the State that you worship so fondly??
Just like I thought...there's been too much money$$$ pumped into TBA by the we get to the dirty juicy bits...what backroom deals went on between TBA & the K government? ...oooh that BIG RAT smells stronger now...

El fiscal pidió que se investigue "el dinero ingresado" en TBA

Piojos! El k gov is going to be in charge of the investigation!!
I can relax knowing there'll be a fair & honest enquiry - NOT!!!!

Maybe they'll flip a coin & Oyarbide will be the judge! Great!!
Maybe her excuse would be that she is still in mourning for her husband and still wears black, overriding all and any other concerns................such as running the country in a responsible and humane way.