Liam3494 said:
Before anyone jumps on me, given my comments about Henry and his handball that robbed Ireland of a place in the World Cup - He got away with his injustice, was not punished, France scored as a result of his cheating and went through - Different circumstances.....
Lol, I was sure that the froggies would appear in this thread.
Well, first for the Ireland-France game :
- I totally agree it's a shame what Henry did (furthermore : intentional not for the first handling but the second one).
- A vast majority of french people deeply condemned this action (and Irish people are deeply appreciated in France as you may know)
- Even if Henry had not handled the ball, it's not certain that Eire would have won (but yes, sincerely they desserved to win).
- In the previous game Ireland had (against Georgia if I recall), there was too a big mistake that made you win (and no Irish player went to the ref to say "no, don't give us the goal !").
- Had the Irish scored the same way instead of France, I suppose that they would have not admitted anything (who would ?!)
Now, France HAD to be qualified against Ireland, it's just a matter of money & interests in the balance (and yes, football is no more a sport to me. Sport should be about ethics, fairplay, etc...).
It has to be noted too that a vast majority of the french people called for a replay.
IMHO football needs to be reformed but what can you expect when it is run (Blatter, and until two days ago in France by JP Escalettes 77 years old) by third age people.
- Why hasn't video showed up yet ?! (clue : to influence the games).
- Like in rugby they should have temporary bans (like 10 minutes)
- The goals should be enlarged a bit because 50 years ago, players were not averaging 6"2 (1 meter 86), not to mention Crouch or Zigic.
- Club's finances should be much "cleaner" (see what happens now in the British Isles and what is about to happen in Spain)
As a gossip, Maradona criticized today the referees : he mentionned the valid -but rejected- Lampard goal and a few others (but did not mention the Tevez offside nor his own "hand of god", lol).
There are so many historical examples of fraud in football :
- England in 1966 if I recall ?
- Argentine victory in 1978 was too a fraud (influence from the junta. But other Argentineans victories were fair, well, except for the hand of god).
All in all, there have been some pleasant times in this WC :
- The surprising first match of North Korea
- The very surprising NZ !!
- The raising US team who shall count in the future.
- Differences between teams are much less than before
Well, what else ?!
Liam, I'll pay you (if you accept) a pint of the best beer if sometimes we meet. As a frenchie, I am really sorry and ashamed for Henry's hand, but the problem is much broader.