Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

Actually, the logical name is "El Rancho Escondido" because it cannot be seen until those who approach it are directly in front of it.

Logical, perhaps, but that would require using logic - which is sadly lacking in the fantasy novels of Pottertarians. Hogwarts it is!
Would the feudsters like to resolve this Alfredo Palacios style?

I have a serviceable dueling piste that I would be happy to donate to the cause.
Would the feudsters like to resolve this Alfredo Palacios style?

I have a serviceable dueling piste that I would be happy to donate to the cause.

Would you use the term "feudster" (applying the term to yourself) if I started reply to almost every post you made with an irrelevant and often insulting personal comment about you or where you chose to live?

Of course I won't because I am not an obsessive compulsive troll who would rather make dozens of posts about a sport which does not interest him (just for one example) or make hundreds of irrelevant personal comments about another forum member with whom I disagreed (about anything, including politics).
Unless you bought that new, i suspect that you must have ended up with my copy of that! There cant possibly be that many copies floating around down here and that was the book i was reading when i arrived 9 years ago (a friend gave it to me to read on the plane. Its all misery and dying in the Chaco if I remember correctly, though oddly make a trip up the river by boat seem appealing.
I was reading "The News From Paraguay" by Lily Tuck (a Faulkner award finalist) 248 pages.

I highly recommend as a monthly selection for the book club that meets monthly in CF. It includes a number of historical figures and events which occurred in Argentina in the 1860's.

PS: I am still waiting for the release of "How To Make Yourself Look Petty In An Internet Forum - One Line At A Time" by A. J. Blauch, PhD. B)
Unless you bought that new, i suspect that you must have ended up with my copy of that! There cant possibly be that many copies floating around down here and that was the book i was reading when i arrived 9 years ago (a friend gave it to me to read on the plane. Its all misery and dying in the Chaco if I remember correctly, though oddly make a trip up the river by boat seem appealing.

I either bought it (used) in March of 2008 at the Friends of the San Francisco Library Book Fair or in a thrift shop on Filmore.

Would you use the term "feudster" (applying the term to yourself) if I started reply to almost every post you made with an irrelevant and often insulting personal comment about you or where you chose to live?

Of course I won't because I am not an obsessive compulsive troll who would rather make dozens of posts about a sport which does not interest him (just for one example) or make hundreds of irrelevant personal comments about another forum member with whom I disagreed (about anything, including politics).

Steve, I do beg your pardon. To make it up to you I would like to offer you a service which several baexpats have already signed up for. You just have put the name of baexpats most ignored member in your ignore list and relax with the knowledge that I, pauper, will faithfully copy+paste and forward to you any posts of interest from that particular member. Then you won't have to worry about missing out on anything.

It is a service I offer for free not because I am generous but because it involves almost no work.
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